NVIDIA人形机器人AI套件:NVIDIA Isaac Manipulator 和 NVIDIA Isaac Perceptor

IsaacManipulator 为机械臂提供了卓越的灵活性和模块化AI功能,并提供了一系列强大的基础模型和GPU加速库。它提供了高达80倍的路径规划加速,零样本感知提高了效率和吞吐量,使开发者能够实现更多新的机器人任务的自动化。早期生态系统合作伙伴包括安川电机、泰瑞达旗下子公司优傲、PickNikRobotics、Solomon、READYRobotics 和FrankaRobotics。

IsaacPerceptor 提供了多摄像头和3D环绕视觉功能,这些功能正越来越多地被制造业和物流业中的自主移动机器人所采用,以提高效率和更好地保护工人,同时降低错误率和成本。早期采用者包括ArcBest、比亚迪和凯傲集团等,它们的目标是为物料搬运等操作带来新的自主化水平。

NVIDIA Isaac Manipulator


Isaac Manipulator is a collection of foundation models and modular GPU-accelerated libraries that help build scalable and repeatable workflows for dynamic manipulation tasks by accelerating AI model training and task (re)programming. It’s revolutionizing how robotics software developers can leverage customized software components for specific tasks such as machine tending, assembly tasks, etc., enabling manipulation arms to seamlessly perceive and interact with their surroundings.




NVIDIA Isaac Perceptor



NVIDIA Isaac™ Perceptor is a collection of hardware-accelerated packages for visual AI, tailored for Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) to perceive, localize, and operate robustly in unstructured environments. Robotics software developers can now easily access turnkey AI-based perception capabilities, ensuring reliable operations and obstacle detection in complex scenarios.

posted on 2024-03-26 18:37  Angry_Panda  阅读(14)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
