Creational patterns provide object creation mechanisms that increase flexibility and reuse of existing code. Factory method: Provides an interface for 阅读全文
Just for fun... Given a number (always positive) as a type. Your type should return the number decreased by one. For example: type Zero = MinusOne<1> 阅读全文
Blog: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/es6-trampoline-function/ Stackoverflow problem for recursion: const sumBelow = (number, sum = 0) => ( number 0 ? s 阅读全文
Serverless framework with AWS Link to each sections Table of Content: Part 0: Serverless Project structure Part 1: DynamoDB & ApiGateway Part 2: Event 阅读全文
Storage Services: S3 Glacier CloudFront Elastic Block Store (EBS) Storage Gateway Snow family Database Overview Block storage: Used on local networks 阅读全文
S3 Features Prefiees and delimiters For example: the file name in S3 can be: `marking/plans/kpi_2021_1.pdf`. The point is make it looks like a folder 阅读全文
In our previous code, we have seen this partten for operators: // #region operators const concat = curry((broadcaster, listener) => { let string = ''; 阅读全文
该文被密码保护。 阅读全文
Generators can yield promises which can work with the "for await of" loop syntax. This lesson shows how all the pieces fit together and explains why t 阅读全文
In this post, we are going to see how to use Ramda Lens. For example, we have data: R.lens: R.lens takes a getter and a setter: R.lensProp: There is a 阅读全文
Just like the State ADT an Array is also an Applicative Functor. That means we can do the same tricks with liftA2 with Array that we have been doing w 阅读全文
Use custom Cypress command for reusable assertions We’re duplicating quite a few commands between the registration and login of our user for assertion 阅读全文
Use Cypress to test user registration Let’s write a test to fill out our registration form. Because we’ll be running this against a live backend, we n 阅读全文
Despite the fact that Cypress is an application that runs natively on your machine, you can install it and add it as a dependency just like all other 阅读全文
Ensure Functions are Called Correctly with JavaScript Mocks Often when writing JavaScript tests and mocking dependencies, you’ll want to verify that t 阅读全文
1. Color Picker (Chrome) You might know how to use color picker in Chrome, recently there is a feature inside color picker which is "Contrast Ratio", 阅读全文
We'll examine how to unnest function calls, capture assignment, and create a linear data flow with a type we call Box. This is our introduction to wor 阅读全文
Well, this stuff will be a little bit strange if you deal with it first time. Container Object: Just a wrapper / contianer for values No Method No Nou 阅读全文
First, what is 'High Order function', basic just a function, inside the function return another fuction. For example: Decorators is a subset of high o 阅读全文
Somehow it looks like reflect in Java. For example: We define an mothod on the Object, it called defineMethod(). It accepts two arguements, one is met 阅读全文
How to Control Requests? Controlling requests involves addressing several key issues: 1. How to Maximize Bandwidth Utilization In chunked uploads, a l 阅读全文
Code design SDK has 3 layers: Upload Protocol: Defines the communication format between the frontend and backendt upload-core: Protocol-based API that 阅读全文
How to coordinate frontend and backend? File upload involves interaction between the frontend and backend, requiring the establishment of a standard c 阅读全文
Background Our SaaS platform includes the upload of large files such as company information and meeting videos. Without special handling, the followin 阅读全文
We have a RadioGroupcomponent, when the prop verticalis true, we want all the Radiowrap with div, otherwise wrap with span. <template> <component v-fo 阅读全文
Write big number // NOT 100000 // Better 100_000 1e5 Shorthands syntax for floating number // Normal 0.123 // The same .123 // eX also apply to floati 阅读全文
<template> <label v-if="label">{{ label }}</label> <select class="field" :value="modelValue" v-bind="{ ...$attrs, onChange: ($event) => { $emit('updat 阅读全文
<style> .red {color: red;} .green {color: green;} </style> <div id="app"></div> <script> function h(tag, props, children) { return { tag, props, child 阅读全文
Example 1 Before function addEvent(ele, eventName, handler) { if (ele.addEventListener) { ele.addEventListener(eventName, handler); } else if (ele.att 阅读全文
let _globalThis: any export const getGlobalThis = (): any => { return ( _globalThis || (_globalThis = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : 阅读全文