Matlab7 数理统计(二)

quantile(Martix,0-1) 分位点,如0.5即为中点
bootci(nboot,{bootfun,...},'alpha',0.1)  Bootstrap confidence interval
[p,t,st] = anova1(data) 单向方差分析

fa = finv(P,V1,V2)

F inverse cumulative distribution function

这个MATLAB函数用分子自由度V1和分母自由度V2计算F cdf的倒数,得到P中相应的概率。

[beta,betaint,r,rint,st] = regress(Y,x)

regress - Multiple linear regression

[h,p,stats] = runset(x0,quantile(x0,0.5))   

runstest - Run test for randomness

This MATLAB function returns a test decision for the null hypothesis that the
values in the data vector x come in random order, against the alternative that
they do not.

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