
create user admin identified by admin 
default tablespace users
quota 10m  on users
quota 10m  on temp
quota 10m  on indx
temporary  tablespace  temp
create user 用户名 identified by 密码
default tablespace TS名
quota 10m  on TS名   //数据表空间配额
quota 10m  on TS名   //临时表空间配额
quota 10m  on TS名   //索引表空间配额
temporary  tablespace  TS名
profile  配置文件 
grant/revoke 权限 on 对象 to 用户
grant connect,resource to admin; 
alter user admin identified by aaa;
alter user admin account lock
alter user admin account onlock
alter user 用户 password expire
alter user admin password expire
drop user 用户 cascade 
drop user admin cascade
connect: DML
resource:DML DDL DCL
dba:  ALL
create  role 名
create role sa
grant 角色 TO 用户
grant sa to admin
create role 名 identified by 密码
create role accp identified by admin
posted @ 2009-04-28 23:43  温景良(Jason)  Views(229)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报