





  • 横向对比的时候,由坏到好,先看劣质(特色),再看良品,效果一下就出来了。
  • 纵向对比的时候,买车买了10多万,会不介意买几千的配件。买一个餐,再加配料。
  • 总结规律:先横向卖最高档的,由一个价格差不多甚至偏高产品,定位:新品,新特色,在主观上突出。再出主力军客观来说品质最好的,定位:畅销品,稳,符合客观。横向让步对比,实在不行,价格上或者产品档次上作出让步,定位:折扣工具或缺陷低半个档次的产品,有缺点的客观。最后用纵向对比,卖容易接受产品和后续服务。最好一步有点想庖丁解牛,一步步喂别人。

2,正能力人柱力:社会认同,权威, 稀缺

  •   人会相信社会是客观的,可以安排内鬼引导流向。(排队营销,也掺杂了承诺和对自己的亏欠)



  •   失去比赚到更有影响力。




  •   头衔权威



  •   吃人手短。也是给对方一个帮助你的理由。别人沒有负罪感的时候,很容易拒绝你。(在别人向你要求时候,你也可以要求他什么)






  •   承诺和一致性










  • 做一个优秀的听众,鼓励对方谈论他自己。
  • 所有语言中最甜蜜、最重要的声音,就是当一个人听到自己的名字。
  • 多赞少踩,人们会把你用在别人身上的形容词跟你联系在一起,这个现象叫做“无意识特征转移”,反面就是,你凝视深渊,深渊也会凝视你。



  有时候同一个目标 = 同一阵线。


  •  说话顿挫,有旋律感,有节奏感
  •   不要高强度提问,给人一种面试的压迫感,好的交流应该是轻松的
  •   如果你想和别人多说话,就少用一般疑问句,请使用特殊疑问句。鼓励别人多说话,从别人说得东西上面发散自己。
  •   如果有不想回答的问题,反问他让他体会一下。
  •   底线探底原则,通过对方的底线,知道你们聊天的底在哪里。
  •   和别人说话软一点,进来不要硬着来





0,general: reason

  people need a reason to do things. when you want somebody to do you a favar, you would be better give them a reason.(owe, promise, social recognition, authority, hobby, shortage). The faster and more specific society develops, the more ignorant people get in other fields and more dependent on signals.

1, compare, contrast

  fraud by pretending to be a signal. there are two of example:, as high price means good quality, actually only good quality get high price. 2, Increase the price and then reduce the price to the price, let people feel they get the discount. Pricing tool is a simple and shallow way, the deep-level way can be used to guide people's own thinking.

  comparing expectations, the gap between the two is psychologically expand many times. Our view of some things often depends on what they used to be.

  when comparing horizontally, not matter from bad to good or from good to bad, you can easily get their quality or features at a glance.

  when comparing vertically, you need to know the small thing is nothing in front of big thing as you buy a car, you will not mind to buy some accessories

  The conclusion is that: compare to others horizontally and vertically, seld then advantages and new feature, good quality, qulified for daily usage. It's the best feed what they want step by step.

2, positive column: authorization of trend by the shortage

  The trend is basically objective, what you can is to manage this that. Brainwashing in all directions. Change her subjectivity with the deviation objectivity of the whole society.

  people need recognition when private knowledge transforms into public knowledge. You can be in charge of this process.

  what you lose is more influence than earning.

  quantity and times both can be short of.

  it's so exciting when participating in the competition.

  authorization is from title and uniform and even watch the car.

3, negative column(relative): debt and promise

  give someone else a reason to let them help you. People are easy to refuse you when they have not any debt to you. That means you can require them back when they request you something. Just as coworking, and some show in the subway. So if you want to let someone debt on you, in the beginning, give him some cheap staff that's acceptable, and they will give in what you recommend.

  pretend to be poor, what her advantage becomes her disadvantage.

  when you do not owe any favors, from other perspectives, others so do them. the concession is each other.

  promise and persistency:

  personally, the promise we make will limit us. Society promise is ahead of us, and personal promise is stronger than society promise.

  Generally, what someone did depends on what he was. By this rule, we can reverse that, let they be some role you design in order to do what you want. We also can encourage them as positive feedback.

  written promises are more effective than oral promises. The more effort required to come true this promise, The greater the impact of the promise on the promiser he got. We treasure something that's hard to get like a job. That represents the promise he made. In long term, accumulate their promise on small things step by step.

4,general relationship for attractivity

  I like you and praise you. Everyone is more or less narcissistic. That implies that I like you as much as you, very efficient.

  Be a good listener and encourage the other person to join.

  what the sweetest word is when people heard of their own name other mentioned.

  praise more and blame less, people will relate you to some good words as well as you did.

  The principle of association is to associate good things with yourself, as associate your son, college, country, team, hometown. Certainly, I can be confident and don't rely on others' aura. On the country, when our personal authorization is down, we do.

  make us in some line rapidly, sometimes the same goal = the same line.

  • rhythm and retone
  • don't ask questions so much, give people a sense of pressure as interview. Good conversation should be easy
  • please using special question instead of general question, encourage others to speak more and expand what they said.
  • ask him back and let him experience if there is question you don't want to reply.
  • by bottom-line is to know what's the bottom-line for your convesation.
  • don't be tough. try to be softly.



posted on 2019-11-09 18:52  Kooing  阅读(242)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
