


Velocity Obstacle

  Two circular objects A,B, at time t(0), with velocity V(A),V(B). A represent the robot, and B represent obstacle.


  Collision Cone:


  V(A,B) is the relative velocity of A&B. V(A,B) = V(A) - V(B). And λ(A,B) is the line of V(A,B).


   By translating CC(A,B) by V(B),we get absolute Velocity Obstacle VO:



  The VO partitions the absolute velocities of A into avoiding & colliding velocities. Selecting V(A) outside of VO would avoid collision with B:


  Velocities on the boundaries of VO would result in A grazing B.

  To avoid multiple obstacles, we consider the union of the individual velocity obstacles:


  Since VO is based on a linear approximation of the obstacle's trajectory, using it to predict remote collisions may be inaccurate.
  To account for imminent collisions:



 【Avoidance Maneuver



  Feasible Acceleration:   

  RV: Reachable Velocity:



  Reachable Avoidance Velocity (RAV):



   A maneuver avoiding obstacle B can be computed by selecting any velocity in RAV.

Structure of the Avoidance Maneuvers


posted on 2018-08-25 13:12  Tekkaman  阅读(648)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报