csapp 2.2.5 Signed versus Unsigned in C

2.2.5 Signed versus Unsigned in C

  • C supports both signed and unsigned arithmetic for all of its integer data types.
  • most numbers are signed by default.
  • Adding charchter 'U' or 'u' as a suffix creates an unsigned constant
  • C allows conversion between unsigned and signed
    • most systems follow the rule that the underlying bit representation does not change(这里意思是底层的表示不变,那么怎么表示就是看是有符号还是没有符号)
    • unsigned \(\rightarrow\) signed \(U2T_w\)
    • signed \(\rightarrow\) unsigned \(T2U_w\)
      (w is the number of bits for the data type)

Conversions can happen due to explicit(显式) casting:

int tx, ty;
unsigned ux, uy;

tx = (int) ux;
uy = (unsigned) ty;

happen implicitly:

int tx, ty;
unsigned ux, uy;

tx = ux; /* Cast to signed */
uy = ty; /* Cast to unsigned */

print a value of type int with directive %u and a value of type unsigned with directive %d:

int x = –1;
//0x8000 0000
unsigned u = 2147483648; /* 2 to the 31st */

printf(“x = %u = %d\n”, x, x);
printf(“u = %u = %d\n”, u, u);
x = 4294967295 = –1
u = 2147483648 = –2147483648

signed + unsigned \(\rightarrow\) unsigned + unsigned (implicity)

using namespace std;
int main ()
    return 0;

Consider the comparison –1 < 0U,the second operand is unsigned.the first one is implicitly cast to unsigned. so the expression is equivalent to the comparison 4294967295U < 0U

posted @ 2021-02-19 21:37  strategist_614  阅读(82)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报