







 1     Object-specific allocators
 2     _____   ______   ______       ________
 3    [ int ] [ dict ] [ list ] ... [ string ]       Python core         |
 4 +3 | <----- Object-specific memory -----> | <-- Non-object memory --> |
 5     _______________________________       |                           |
 6    [   Python's object allocator   ]      |                           |
 7 +2 | ####### Object memory ####### | <------ Internal buffers ------> |
 8     ______________________________________________________________    |
 9    [          Python's raw memory allocator (PyMem_ API)          ]   |
10 +1 | <----- Python memory (under PyMem manager's control) ------> |   |
11     __________________________________________________________________
12    [    Underlying general-purpose allocator (ex: C library malloc)   ]
13  0 | <------ Virtual memory allocated for the python process -------> |
15    =========================================================================
16     _______________________________________________________________________
17    [                OS-specific Virtual Memory Manager (VMM)               ]
18 -1 | <--- Kernel dynamic storage allocation & management (page-based) ---> |
19     __________________________________   __________________________________
20    [                                  ] [                                  ]
21 -2 | <-- Physical memory: ROM/RAM --> | | <-- Secondary storage (swap) --> |
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1 PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_Malloc(size_t size);
2 PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_Calloc(size_t nelem, size_t elsize);
3 PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_Realloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size);
4 PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyMem_Free(void *ptr);
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 1 #define PYRAW_FUNCS _PyMem_RawMalloc, _PyMem_RawCalloc, _PyMem_RawRealloc, _PyMem_RawFree
 2 ...
 4 ...
 5 static PyMemAllocatorEx _PyMem = {
 7     &_PyMem_Debug.mem, PYDBG_FUNCS
 8 #else
10 #endif
11     };
12 ...
13 void *
14 PyMem_Malloc(size_t size)
15 {
16     /* see PyMem_RawMalloc() */
17     if (size > (size_t)PY_SSIZE_T_MAX)
18         return NULL;
19     return _PyMem.malloc(_PyMem.ctx, size);
20 }
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 1 typedef struct {
 2     /* user context passed as the first argument to the 4 functions */
 3     void *ctx;
 5     /* allocate a memory block */
 6     void* (*malloc) (void *ctx, size_t size);
 8     /* allocate a memory block initialized by zeros */
 9     void* (*calloc) (void *ctx, size_t nelem, size_t elsize);
11     /* allocate or resize a memory block */
12     void* (*realloc) (void *ctx, void *ptr, size_t new_size);
14     /* release a memory block */
15     void (*free) (void *ctx, void *ptr);
16 } PyMemAllocatorEx;
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 1 static void *
 2 _PyMem_RawMalloc(void *ctx, size_t size)
 3 {
 4     /* PyMem_RawMalloc(0) means malloc(1). Some systems would return NULL
 5        for malloc(0), which would be treated as an error. Some platforms would
 6        return a pointer with no memory behind it, which would break pymalloc.
 7        To solve these problems, allocate an extra byte. */
 8     if (size == 0)
 9         size = 1;
10     return malloc(size);
11 }
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 1 /*
 2  * Alignment of addresses returned to the user. 8-bytes alignment works
 3  * on most current architectures (with 32-bit or 64-bit address busses).
 4  * The alignment value is also used for grouping small requests in size
 5  * classes spaced ALIGNMENT bytes apart.
 6  *
 7  * You shouldn't change this unless you know what you are doing.
 8  */
 9 #define ALIGNMENT               8               /* must be 2^N */
10 #define ALIGNMENT_SHIFT         3
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 1 /*
 2  * Max size threshold below which malloc requests are considered to be
 3  * small enough in order to use preallocated memory pools. You can tune
 4  * this value according to your application behaviour and memory needs.
 5  *
 6  * Note: a size threshold of 512 guarantees that newly created dictionaries
 7  * will be allocated from preallocated memory pools on 64-bit.
 8  *
 9  * The following invariants must hold:
11  *      2) SMALL_REQUEST_THRESHOLD is evenly divisible by ALIGNMENT
12  *
13  * Although not required, for better performance and space efficiency,
14  * it is recommended that SMALL_REQUEST_THRESHOLD is set to a power of 2.
15  */
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 1  * For small requests we have the following table:
 2  *
 3  * Request in bytes     Size of allocated block      Size class idx
 4  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 5  *        1-8                     8                       0
 6  *        9-16                   16                       1
 7  *       17-24                   24                       2
 8  *       25-32                   32                       3
 9  *       33-40                   40                       4
10  *       41-48                   48                       5
11  *       49-56                   56                       6
12  *       57-64                   64                       7
13  *       65-72                   72                       8
14  *        ...                   ...                     ...
15  *      497-504                 504                      62
16  *      505-512                 512                      63
17  *
18  *      0, SMALL_REQUEST_THRESHOLD + 1 and up: routed to the underlying
19  *      allocator.
20  */
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如表所示,如果申请了28个字节大小的空间,会被分配32个字节大小,从size class index 为3的pool中划分出来,该字节大小的转换通过如下的方式转换,

1 /* Return the number of bytes in size class I, as a uint. */
2 #define INDEX2SIZE(I) (((uint)(I) + 1) << ALIGNMENT_SHIFT)  
3 ...
4 size = (uint)(nbytes - 1) >> ALIGNMENT_SHIFT;
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1 #define SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE        (4 * 1024)
3 ...
4 #define POOL_SIZE               SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE        /* must be 2^N */
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 1 /* Pool for small blocks. */
 2 struct pool_header {
 3     union { block *_padding;
 4             uint count; } ref;          /* number of allocated blocks    */  
 5     block *freeblock;                   /* pool's free list head         */  // 空闲的指针
 6     struct pool_header *nextpool;       /* next pool of this size class  */  // 下一个pool
 7     struct pool_header *prevpool;       /* previous pool       ""        */  // 上一个pool
 8     uint arenaindex;                    /* index into arenas of base adr */  
 9     uint szidx;                         /* block size class index        */  // 块大小
10     uint nextoffset;                    /* bytes to virgin block         */
11     uint maxnextoffset;                 /* largest valid nextoffset      */  // 最大空间
12 };
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 1 static void *
 2 _PyObject_Alloc(int use_calloc, void *ctx, size_t nelem, size_t elsize)
 3 {
 4     ...
 5     /*
 6      * Reached the end of the free list, try to extend it.
 7      */
 8     if (pool->nextoffset <= pool->maxnextoffset) {  // 如果有足够的空间
 9         /* There is room for another block. */
10         pool->freeblock = (block*)pool +
11                           pool->nextoffset;         // 设置freeblock指向下一个空闲的地址
12         pool->nextoffset += INDEX2SIZE(size);       // 调整nextoffset指向的地址
13         *(block **)(pool->freeblock) = NULL;        // 设置freeblock为空
14         UNLOCK();
15         if (use_calloc)
16             memset(bp, 0, nbytes);
17         return (void *)bp;
18     }
19     ...
20 } 
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 1 static void
 2 _PyObject_Free(void *ctx, void *p)
 3 {
 4     ...
 5     pool = POOL_ADDR(p);
 6     if (Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE(p, pool)) {                         // 判断p指向的是否属于pool
 7         /* We allocated this address. */
 8         LOCK();
 9         /* Link p to the start of the pool's freeblock list.  Since
10          * the pool had at least the p block outstanding, the pool
11          * wasn't empty (so it's already in a usedpools[] list, or
12          * was full and is in no list -- it's not in the freeblocks
13          * list in any case).
14          */
15         assert(pool->ref.count > 0);            /* else it was empty */
16         *(block **)p = lastfree = pool->freeblock;              // 获取freeblock值将地址设置到p中存入
17         pool->freeblock = (block *)p;
18                                    // freeblock指向被释放的地址
19         ...
20     }
21     ...
22 } 
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 1 static void *
 2 _PyObject_Alloc(int use_calloc, void *ctx, size_t nelem, size_t elsize)
 3 {
 4     ...
 5     if (pool != pool->nextpool) {
 6         /*
 7          * There is a used pool for this size class.
 8          * Pick up the head block of its free list.
 9          */
10         ++pool->ref.count;
11         bp = pool->freeblock;                           // 获取freeblock的地址
12         assert(bp != NULL);
13         if ((pool->freeblock = *(block **)bp) != NULL) { // 如果bp的值不为NULL,则将freeblock指向一下空闲地址并返回当
14             UNLOCK();
15             if (use_calloc)
16                 memset(bp, 0, nbytes);                   // 重置地址内容为0
17             return (void *)bp;                           // 返回该地址
18         }
19     ...
20 } 
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1 #define ARENA_SIZE              (256 << 10)     /* 256KB */
5 #endif
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 1 /* Record keeping for arenas. */
 2 struct arena_object {
 3     /* The address of the arena, as returned by malloc.  Note that 0
 4      * will never be returned by a successful malloc, and is used
 5      * here to mark an arena_object that doesn't correspond to an
 6      * allocated arena.
 7      */
 8     uptr address;                                   // arena的头地址
10     /* Pool-aligned pointer to the next pool to be carved off. */
11     block* pool_address;
13     /* The number of available pools in the arena:  free pools + never-
14      * allocated pools.
15      */
16     uint nfreepools;                                // 空闲可使用的pool数
18     /* The total number of pools in the arena, whether or not available. */
19     uint ntotalpools;                               // 总共pool数
21     /* Singly-linked list of available pools. */
22     struct pool_header* freepools;                  // 单向的可用pool链表
24     /* Whenever this arena_object is not associated with an allocated
25      * arena, the nextarena member is used to link all unassociated
26      * arena_objects in the singly-linked `unused_arena_objects` list.
27      * The prevarena member is unused in this case.
28      *
29      * When this arena_object is associated with an allocated arena
30      * with at least one available pool, both members are used in the
31      * doubly-linked `usable_arenas` list, which is maintained in
32      * increasing order of `nfreepools` values.
33      *
34      * Else this arena_object is associated with an allocated arena
35      * all of whose pools are in use.  `nextarena` and `prevarena`
36      * are both meaningless in this case.
37      */
38     struct arena_object* nextarena;             // 上一个arena
39     struct arena_object* prevarena;             // 下一个arena
40 };
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  1 /* Array of objects used to track chunks of memory (arenas). */
  2 static struct arena_object* arenas = NULL;        // 管理着所有arenas集合
  3 /* Number of slots currently allocated in the `arenas` vector. */ 
  4 static uint maxarenas = 0;                        // 当前arenas管理的arena_object的个数
  6 /* The head of the singly-linked, NULL-terminated list of available
  7  * arena_objects.
  8  */
  9 static struct arena_object* unused_arena_objects = NULL;   // 未使用的链表
 11 /* The head of the doubly-linked, NULL-terminated at each end, list of
 12  * arena_objects associated with arenas that have pools available.
 13  */
 14 static struct arena_object* usable_arenas = NULL;          // 可用的链表
 16 /* How many arena_objects do we initially allocate?
 17  * 16 = can allocate 16 arenas = 16 * ARENA_SIZE = 4MB before growing the
 18  * `arenas` vector.
 19  */
 20 #define INITIAL_ARENA_OBJECTS 16                           // 初始化需要申请的arena_object的个数
 22 /* Number of arenas allocated that haven't been free()'d. */
 23 static size_t narenas_currently_allocated = 0;             // 还未被释放的个数
 25 /* Total number of times malloc() called to allocate an arena. */
 26 static size_t ntimes_arena_allocated = 0;                  // 申请arena malloc的次数
 27 /* High water mark (max value ever seen) for narenas_currently_allocated. */
 28 static size_t narenas_highwater = 0;
 30 static Py_ssize_t _Py_AllocatedBlocks = 0;
 32 Py_ssize_t
 33 _Py_GetAllocatedBlocks(void)
 34 {
 35     return _Py_AllocatedBlocks;
 36 }
 39 /* Allocate a new arena.  If we run out of memory, return NULL.  Else
 40  * allocate a new arena, and return the address of an arena_object
 41  * describing the new arena.  It's expected that the caller will set
 42  * `usable_arenas` to the return value.
 43  */
 44 static struct arena_object*
 45 new_arena(void)
 46 {
 47     struct arena_object* arenaobj;
 48     uint excess;        /* number of bytes above pool alignment */
 49     void *address;
 53         _PyObject_DebugMallocStats(stderr);
 54 #endif
 55     if (unused_arena_objects == NULL) {  // 判断未使用的arena_object是否为空
 56         uint i;
 57         uint numarenas;
 58         size_t nbytes;
 60         /* Double the number of arena objects on each allocation.
 61          * Note that it's possible for `numarenas` to overflow.
 62          */
 63         numarenas = maxarenas ? maxarenas << 1 : INITIAL_ARENA_OBJECTS;  // 确定本次需要申请的arena_object个数,乘以2
 64         if (numarenas <= maxarenas)
 65             return NULL;                /* overflow */
 67         if (numarenas > PY_SIZE_MAX / sizeof(*arenas))
 68             return NULL;                /* overflow */
 69 #endif
 70         nbytes = numarenas * sizeof(*arenas);                           // 计算需要申请的内存大小
 71         arenaobj = (struct arena_object *)PyMem_RawRealloc(arenas, nbytes);  // 申请内存
 72         if (arenaobj == NULL)
 73             return NULL;
 74         arenas = arenaobj;
 76         /* We might need to fix pointers that were copied.  However,
 77          * new_arena only gets called when all the pages in the
 78          * previous arenas are full.  Thus, there are *no* pointers
 79          * into the old array. Thus, we don't have to worry about
 80          * invalid pointers.  Just to be sure, some asserts:
 81          */
 82         assert(usable_arenas == NULL);
 83         assert(unused_arena_objects == NULL);
 85         /* Put the new arenas on the unused_arena_objects list. */      // 将申请到的arena放入未使用的unused_arena_objects列表中
 86         for (i = maxarenas; i < numarenas; ++i) {
 87             arenas[i].address = 0;              /* mark as unassociated */
 88             arenas[i].nextarena = i < numarenas - 1 ?
 89                                    &arenas[i+1] : NULL;
 90         }
 92         /* Update globals. */
 93         unused_arena_objects = &arenas[maxarenas];                      // 更新最大未使用的列表的地址
 94         maxarenas = numarenas;                                          // 更新最大的arenas数量
 95     }
 97     /* Take the next available arena object off the head of the list. */
 98     assert(unused_arena_objects != NULL);
 99     arenaobj = unused_arena_objects;                        // 从未使用的arena_object中申请一个
100     unused_arena_objects = arenaobj->nextarena;             // 重置下一个arena位置
101     assert(arenaobj->address == 0);
102     address = _PyObject_Arena.alloc(_PyObject_Arena.ctx, ARENA_SIZE); // 申请256KB的内存空间
103     if (address == NULL) {
104         /* The allocation failed: return NULL after putting the
105          * arenaobj back.
106          */
107         arenaobj->nextarena = unused_arena_objects;
108         unused_arena_objects = arenaobj;
109         return NULL;
110     }
111     arenaobj->address = (uptr)address;                      // 将申请到的空间地址赋值给arenaobj->address
113     ++narenas_currently_allocated;
114     ++ntimes_arena_allocated;
115     if (narenas_currently_allocated > narenas_highwater)
116         narenas_highwater = narenas_currently_allocated;
117     arenaobj->freepools = NULL;                             // 设置arenaobj的freepools为空
118     /* pool_address <- first pool-aligned address in the arena
119        nfreepools <- number of whole pools that fit after alignment */
120     arenaobj->pool_address = (block*)arenaobj->address;     // 设置arenaobj的pool_address为申请到内存的起始地址
121     arenaobj->nfreepools = ARENA_SIZE / POOL_SIZE;          // 设置当前可使用pool的数量
122     assert(POOL_SIZE * arenaobj->nfreepools == ARENA_SIZE); 
123     excess = (uint)(arenaobj->address & POOL_SIZE_MASK);    // 调整边界为系统的页边界
124     if (excess != 0) {
125         --arenaobj->nfreepools;
126         arenaobj->pool_address += POOL_SIZE - excess;
127     }
128     arenaobj->ntotalpools = arenaobj->nfreepools;           // 设置总的可用pool数
130     return arenaobj;                                        // 返回arenaobj
131 }
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 1 used == partially used, neither empty nor full
 2     At least one block in the pool is currently allocated, and at least one
 3     block in the pool is not currently allocated (note this implies a pool
 4     has room for at least two blocks).
 5     This is a pool's initial state, as a pool is created only when malloc
 6     needs space.
 7     The pool holds blocks of a fixed size, and is in the circular list headed
 8     at usedpools[i] (see above).  It's linked to the other used pools of the
 9     same size class via the pool_header's nextpool and prevpool members.
10     If all but one block is currently allocated, a malloc can cause a
11     transition to the full state.  If all but one block is not currently
12     allocated, a free can cause a transition to the empty state.
14 full == all the pool's blocks are currently allocated
15     On transition to full, a pool is unlinked from its usedpools[] list.
16     It's not linked to from anything then anymore, and its nextpool and
17     prevpool members are meaningless until it transitions back to used.
18     A free of a block in a full pool puts the pool back in the used state.
19     Then it's linked in at the front of the appropriate usedpools[] list, so
20     that the next allocation for its size class will reuse the freed block.
22 empty == all the pool's blocks are currently available for allocation
23     On transition to empty, a pool is unlinked from its usedpools[] list,
24     and linked to the front of its arena_object's singly-linked freepools list,
25     via its nextpool member.  The prevpool member has no meaning in this case.
26     Empty pools have no inherent size class:  the next time a malloc finds
27     an empty list in usedpools[], it takes the first pool off of freepools.
28     If the size class needed happens to be the same as the size class the pool
29     last had, some pool initialization can be skipped.
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 1 #define PTA(x)  ((poolp )((uchar *)&(usedpools[2*(x)]) - 2*sizeof(block *)))
 2 #define PT(x)   PTA(x), PTA(x)
 4 static poolp usedpools[2 * ((NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES + 7) / 8) * 8] = {
 5     PT(0), PT(1), PT(2), PT(3), PT(4), PT(5), PT(6), PT(7)
 7     , PT(8), PT(9), PT(10), PT(11), PT(12), PT(13), PT(14), PT(15)
 9     , PT(16), PT(17), PT(18), PT(19), PT(20), PT(21), PT(22), PT(23)
11     , PT(24), PT(25), PT(26), PT(27), PT(28), PT(29), PT(30), PT(31)
13     , PT(32), PT(33), PT(34), PT(35), PT(36), PT(37), PT(38), PT(39)
15     , PT(40), PT(41), PT(42), PT(43), PT(44), PT(45), PT(46), PT(47)
17     , PT(48), PT(49), PT(50), PT(51), PT(52), PT(53), PT(54), PT(55)
19     , PT(56), PT(57), PT(58), PT(59), PT(60), PT(61), PT(62), PT(63)
21 #error "NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES should be less than 64"
22 #endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 64 */
23 #endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 56 */
24 #endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 48 */
25 #endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 40 */
26 #endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 32 */
27 #endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 24 */
28 #endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 16 */
29 #endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES >  8 */
30 }; 
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当申请28个字节时,Python通过size class index,在usedpools中寻找第3+3=6个元素,此时usedpools[6]处指向的是usedpools[4]的位置,在初始化的过程中,由于usedpools[4]的值是usedpools[6]的值减去2*sizeof(block *),由于此时poolp结构;

1 typedef struct pool_header *poolp;
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此时usedpools[6]->nextpool的值应该等于usedpools[4]的值,但是由于在usedpools数组初始化的时候存入的值是减去了两个block * 地址,对于pool_header结构来说,此时就相当于把值指向了nextpool值,所以在申请内存时,指向如下代码时,

 1     if ((nbytes - 1) < SMALL_REQUEST_THRESHOLD) {
 2         LOCK();
 3         /*
 4          * Most frequent paths first
 5          */
 6         size = (uint)(nbytes - 1) >> ALIGNMENT_SHIFT;
 7         pool = usedpools[size + size];
 8         if (pool != pool->nextpool) { // 判断是否有可用的pool
 9             ...
10         }
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1     init_pool:
2             /* Frontlink to used pools. */
3             next = usedpools[size + size]; /* == prev */        // 获取prev地址
4             pool->nextpool = next;                              // 设置pool->next为next
5             pool->prevpool = next;
6             next->nextpool = pool;                              // 设置pool的下一个值为pool
7             next->prevpool = pool;
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此时,当相同的size class index进来的时候,此时的pool与pool->nextpool就不相等,就证明有可用的pool,为什么使用这么复杂的usedpools数组来保存已经使用的pool列表呢?

1 It's unclear why the usedpools setup is so convoluted.  It could be to
2 minimize the amount of cache required to hold this heavily-referenced table
3 (which only *needs* the two interpool pointer members of a pool_header). OTOH,
4 referencing code has to remember to "double the index" and doing so isn't
5 free, usedpools[0] isn't a strictly legal pointer, and we're crucially relying
6 on that C doesn't insert any padding anywhere in a pool_header at or before
7 the prevpool member.
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  1 static void *
  2 _PyObject_Alloc(int use_calloc, void *ctx, size_t nelem, size_t elsize)
  3 {
  4     size_t nbytes;
  5     block *bp;
  6     poolp pool;
  7     poolp next;
  8     uint size;
 10     _Py_AllocatedBlocks++;
 12     assert(nelem <= PY_SSIZE_T_MAX / elsize);
 13     nbytes = nelem * elsize;
 15 #ifdef WITH_VALGRIND
 16     if (UNLIKELY(running_on_valgrind == -1))
 17         running_on_valgrind = RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND;
 18     if (UNLIKELY(running_on_valgrind))
 19         goto redirect;
 20 #endif
 22     if (nelem == 0 || elsize == 0)
 23         goto redirect;
 25     if ((nbytes - 1) < SMALL_REQUEST_THRESHOLD) {
 26         LOCK();
 27         /*
 28          * Most frequent paths first
 29          */
 30         size = (uint)(nbytes - 1) >> ALIGNMENT_SHIFT;
 31         pool = usedpools[size + size];
 32         if (pool != pool->nextpool) {
 33             /*
 34              * There is a used pool for this size class.
 35              * Pick up the head block of its free list.
 36              */
 37             ++pool->ref.count;
 38             bp = pool->freeblock;                           // 获取freeblock的地址
 39             assert(bp != NULL);
 40             if ((pool->freeblock = *(block **)bp) != NULL) { // 如果bp的值不为NULL,则将freeblock指向一下空闲地址并返回当前bp
 41                 UNLOCK();
 42                 if (use_calloc)
 43                     memset(bp, 0, nbytes);                   // 重置地址内容为0
 44                 return (void *)bp;                           // 返回该地址
 45             }
 46             /*
 47              * Reached the end of the free list, try to extend it.
 48              */
 49             if (pool->nextoffset <= pool->maxnextoffset) {  // 如果有足够的空间
 50                 /* There is room for another block. */
 51                 pool->freeblock = (block*)pool +
 52                                   pool->nextoffset;         // 设置freeblock指向下一个空闲的地址
 53                 pool->nextoffset += INDEX2SIZE(size);       // 调整nextoffset指向的地址
 54                 *(block **)(pool->freeblock) = NULL;        // 设置freeblock为空
 55                 UNLOCK();
 56                 if (use_calloc)
 57                     memset(bp, 0, nbytes);
 58                 return (void *)bp;
 59             }
 60             /* Pool is full, unlink from used pools. */
 61             next = pool->nextpool;                          // 此时pool已经不能再分配内存使用,此时就移除usedpools链接
 62             pool = pool->prevpool;
 63             next->prevpool = pool;
 64             pool->nextpool = next;
 65             UNLOCK();
 66             if (use_calloc)
 67                 memset(bp, 0, nbytes);
 68             return (void *)bp;
 69         }
 71         /* There isn't a pool of the right size class immediately
 72          * available:  use a free pool.
 73          */
 74         if (usable_arenas == NULL) {                        // 如果可用的arenas为空
 75             /* No arena has a free pool:  allocate a new arena. */
 77             if (narenas_currently_allocated >= MAX_ARENAS) {
 78                 UNLOCK();
 79                 goto redirect;
 80             }
 81 #endif
 82             usable_arenas = new_arena();                    // 生成新的arenas
 83             if (usable_arenas == NULL) {
 84                 UNLOCK();
 85                 goto redirect;
 86             }
 87             usable_arenas->nextarena =
 88                 usable_arenas->prevarena = NULL;            // 将新生成的arenas加入链表中
 89         }
 90         assert(usable_arenas->address != 0);
 92         /* Try to get a cached free pool. */
 93         pool = usable_arenas->freepools;                    // 获取一个新的pool
 94         if (pool != NULL) {
 95             /* Unlink from cached pools. */
 96             usable_arenas->freepools = pool->nextpool;      // 获取指向的空pool
 98             /* This arena already had the smallest nfreepools
 99              * value, so decreasing nfreepools doesn't change
100              * that, and we don't need to rearrange the
101              * usable_arenas list.  However, if the arena has
102              * become wholly allocated, we need to remove its
103              * arena_object from usable_arenas.
104              */
105             --usable_arenas->nfreepools;                    // 调整可使用的pool数量
106             if (usable_arenas->nfreepools == 0) {           // 如果当前的arena可用pool为空
107                 /* Wholly allocated:  remove. */
108                 assert(usable_arenas->freepools == NULL);
109                 assert(usable_arenas->nextarena == NULL ||
110                        usable_arenas->nextarena->prevarena ==
111                        usable_arenas);
113                 usable_arenas = usable_arenas->nextarena;   // 指向下一个可用的arenas
114                 if (usable_arenas != NULL) {
115                     usable_arenas->prevarena = NULL;
116                     assert(usable_arenas->address != 0);
117                 }
118             }
119             else {
120                 /* nfreepools > 0:  it must be that freepools
121                  * isn't NULL, or that we haven't yet carved
122                  * off all the arena's pools for the first
123                  * time.
124                  */
125                 assert(usable_arenas->freepools != NULL ||
126                        usable_arenas->pool_address <=
127                        (block*)usable_arenas->address +
128                            ARENA_SIZE - POOL_SIZE);         // 检查是否还能够下一个pool使用
129             }
130         init_pool:
131             /* Frontlink to used pools. */
132             next = usedpools[size + size]; /* == prev */        // 获取prev地址
133             pool->nextpool = next;                              // 设置pool->next为next
134             pool->prevpool = next;
135             next->nextpool = pool;                              // 设置pool的下一个值为pool
136             next->prevpool = pool;
137             pool->ref.count = 1;
138             if (pool->szidx == size) {                          // 如果空闲的pool的szidx刚好是需要的
139                 /* Luckily, this pool last contained blocks
140                  * of the same size class, so its header
141                  * and free list are already initialized.
142                  */
143                 bp = pool->freeblock;                           // 获取空的block
144                 assert(bp != NULL);
145                 pool->freeblock = *(block **)bp;                // 设置下一个freeblock的地址
146                 UNLOCK();
147                 if (use_calloc)
148                     memset(bp, 0, nbytes);
149                 return (void *)bp;                              // 返回
150             }
151             /*
152              * Initialize the pool header, set up the free list to
153              * contain just the second block, and return the first
154              * block.
155              */                                             // 注册pool_header信息
156             pool->szidx = size;                             // pool的size
157             size = INDEX2SIZE(size);                        // 将size class size转换成字节大小
158             bp = (block *)pool + POOL_OVERHEAD;             // 跳过pool的头部
159             pool->nextoffset = POOL_OVERHEAD + (size << 1); // 跳过两个大小的size
160             pool->maxnextoffset = POOL_SIZE - size;         // 设置最大的空余量
161             pool->freeblock = bp + size;                    // 可用内存指向下一个
162             *(block **)(pool->freeblock) = NULL;            // 初始化完成设置freeblock为空
163             UNLOCK();                                       // 解锁
164             if (use_calloc)
165                 memset(bp, 0, nbytes);                      // 将第一值对应的内存空间设置为0
166             return (void *)bp;                              // 返回地址
167         }
169         /* Carve off a new pool. */
170         assert(usable_arenas->nfreepools > 0);
171         assert(usable_arenas->freepools == NULL);
172         pool = (poolp)usable_arenas->pool_address;          // 获取新的一个新的Pool
173         assert((block*)pool <= (block*)usable_arenas->address +
174                                ARENA_SIZE - POOL_SIZE);
175         pool->arenaindex = (uint)(usable_arenas - arenas);  // 设置arena数组中的序号
176         assert(&arenas[pool->arenaindex] == usable_arenas);
177         pool->szidx = DUMMY_SIZE_IDX;
178         usable_arenas->pool_address += POOL_SIZE;           // 移动可用的起始地址,移动4KB大小
179         --usable_arenas->nfreepools;                        // 减少可用pools数量
181         if (usable_arenas->nfreepools == 0) {
182             assert(usable_arenas->nextarena == NULL ||
183                    usable_arenas->nextarena->prevarena ==
184                    usable_arenas);
185             /* Unlink the arena:  it is completely allocated. */
186             usable_arenas = usable_arenas->nextarena;
187             if (usable_arenas != NULL) {
188                 usable_arenas->prevarena = NULL;
189                 assert(usable_arenas->address != 0);
190             }
191         }
193         goto init_pool;
194     }
196     /* The small block allocator ends here. */
198 redirect:
199     /* Redirect the original request to the underlying (libc) allocator.
200      * We jump here on bigger requests, on error in the code above (as a
201      * last chance to serve the request) or when the max memory limit
202      * has been reached.
203      */
204     {
205         void *result;                                       // 大于512字节的内存申请直接调用封装的malloc函数申请返回
206         if (use_calloc)
207             result = PyMem_RawCalloc(nelem, elsize);
208         else
209             result = PyMem_RawMalloc(nbytes);
210         if (!result)
211             _Py_AllocatedBlocks--;
212         return result;
213     }
214 }
View Code




  2 static void
  3 _PyObject_Free(void *ctx, void *p)
  4 {
  5     poolp pool;
  6     block *lastfree;
  7     poolp next, prev;
  8     uint size;
 10     uint arenaindex_temp;
 11 #endif
 13     if (p == NULL)      /* free(NULL) has no effect */
 14         return;
 16     _Py_AllocatedBlocks--;
 18 #ifdef WITH_VALGRIND
 19     if (UNLIKELY(running_on_valgrind > 0))
 20         goto redirect;
 21 #endif
 23     pool = POOL_ADDR(p);
 24     if (Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE(p, pool)) {                         // 判断p指向的是否属于pool
 25         /* We allocated this address. */
 26         LOCK();
 27         /* Link p to the start of the pool's freeblock list.  Since
 28          * the pool had at least the p block outstanding, the pool
 29          * wasn't empty (so it's already in a usedpools[] list, or
 30          * was full and is in no list -- it's not in the freeblocks
 31          * list in any case).
 32          */
 33         assert(pool->ref.count > 0);            /* else it was empty */
 34         *(block **)p = lastfree = pool->freeblock;              // 获取freeblock值将地址设置到p中存入
 35         pool->freeblock = (block *)p;                           // freeblock指向被释放的地址
 36         if (lastfree) {                                         // 如果有效则表明pool不是full状态
 37             struct arena_object* ao;
 38             uint nf;  /* ao->nfreepools */
 40             /* freeblock wasn't NULL, so the pool wasn't full,
 41              * and the pool is in a usedpools[] list.
 42              */
 43             if (--pool->ref.count != 0) {                       // 如果不为0则不需要转换为empty状态
 44                 /* pool isn't empty:  leave it in usedpools */
 45                 UNLOCK();
 46                 return;
 47             }
 48             /* Pool is now empty:  unlink from usedpools, and
 49              * link to the front of freepools.  This ensures that
 50              * previously freed pools will be allocated later
 51              * (being not referenced, they are perhaps paged out).
 52              */
 53             next = pool->nextpool;                              // 此时pool为empty,将pool从usedpool中移除
 54             prev = pool->prevpool;                              // 获取前一个pool
 55             next->prevpool = prev;                              // 设置next的上一个为prev
 56             prev->nextpool = next;                              // 设置prev的下一个为next 
 57                                                                 // 将empty pool移除
 58             /* Link the pool to freepools.  This is a singly-linked
 59              * list, and pool->prevpool isn't used there.
 60              */
 61             ao = &arenas[pool->arenaindex];                     // 获取pool对应的arenas
 62             pool->nextpool = ao->freepools;                     // 将ao的空闲pools设置到pool的nextpool
 63             ao->freepools = pool;                               // 设置ao当前空闲的pools为当前的pool
 64             nf = ++ao->nfreepools;                              // 将ao对应的空闲pool数加1
 66             /* All the rest is arena management.  We just freed
 67              * a pool, and there are 4 cases for arena mgmt:
 68              * 1. If all the pools are free, return the arena to
 69              *    the system free().
 70              * 2. If this is the only free pool in the arena,
 71              *    add the arena back to the `usable_arenas` list.
 72              * 3. If the "next" arena has a smaller count of free
 73              *    pools, we have to "slide this arena right" to
 74              *    restore that usable_arenas is sorted in order of
 75              *    nfreepools.
 76              * 4. Else there's nothing more to do.
 77              */
 78             if (nf == ao->ntotalpools) {                        // 如果此时所有的pool全为空闲
 79                 /* Case 1.  First unlink ao from usable_arenas.
 80                  */
 81                 assert(ao->prevarena == NULL ||
 82                        ao->prevarena->address != 0);
 83                 assert(ao ->nextarena == NULL ||
 84                        ao->nextarena->address != 0);
 86                 /* Fix the pointer in the prevarena, or the
 87                  * usable_arenas pointer.
 88                  */
 89                 if (ao->prevarena == NULL) {                    // 如果前一个arena为空
 90                     usable_arenas = ao->nextarena;              // 将usable_arenas指向下一个arena
 91                     assert(usable_arenas == NULL ||
 92                            usable_arenas->address != 0);
 93                 }
 94                 else {
 95                     assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao);     
 96                     ao->prevarena->nextarena =
 97                         ao->nextarena;                          // 将当前的上一个的下一个arena设置成ao的下一个
 98                 }
 99                 /* Fix the pointer in the nextarena. */
100                 if (ao->nextarena != NULL) {                    // 如果ao的下一个不为空
101                     assert(ao->nextarena->prevarena == ao);
102                     ao->nextarena->prevarena =
103                         ao->prevarena;                          // 设置ao的下一个的上一个为ao的上一个
104                 }
105                 /* Record that this arena_object slot is
106                  * available to be reused.
107                  */
108                 ao->nextarena = unused_arena_objects;           // 设置ao的下一个为不可用
109                 unused_arena_objects = ao;                      // 将ao赋值给unused_arena_objects
111                 /* Free the entire arena. */
112                 _PyObject_Arena.free(_PyObject_Arena.ctx,
113                                      (void *)ao->address, ARENA_SIZE);      // 释放相关内存
114                 ao->address = 0;                        /* mark unassociated */
115                 --narenas_currently_allocated;
117                 UNLOCK();
118                 return;
119             }
120             if (nf == 1) {                                      // 如果此时是第一个使用的pool
121                 /* Case 2.  Put ao at the head of
122                  * usable_arenas.  Note that because
123                  * ao->nfreepools was 0 before, ao isn't
124                  * currently on the usable_arenas list.
125                  */
126                 ao->nextarena = usable_arenas;                  // 设置ao的下一个为usable_arenas
127                 ao->prevarena = NULL;                           // 设置ao的上一个为空
128                 if (usable_arenas)
129                     usable_arenas->prevarena = ao;
130                 usable_arenas = ao;
131                 assert(usable_arenas->address != 0);
133                 UNLOCK();
134                 return;
135             }
136             /* If this arena is now out of order, we need to keep
137              * the list sorted.  The list is kept sorted so that
138              * the "most full" arenas are used first, which allows
139              * the nearly empty arenas to be completely freed.  In
140              * a few un-scientific tests, it seems like this
141              * approach allowed a lot more memory to be freed.
142              */
143             if (ao->nextarena == NULL ||
144                          nf <= ao->nextarena->nfreepools) {
145                 /* Case 4.  Nothing to do. */
146                 UNLOCK();
147                 return;
148             }
149             /* Case 3:  We have to move the arena towards the end
150              * of the list, because it has more free pools than
151              * the arena to its right.
152              * First unlink ao from usable_arenas.
153              */
154             if (ao->prevarena != NULL) {
155                 /* ao isn't at the head of the list */
156                 assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao);
157                 ao->prevarena->nextarena = ao->nextarena;       // 跨过ao
158             }
159             else {
160                 /* ao is at the head of the list */
161                 assert(usable_arenas == ao);
162                 usable_arenas = ao->nextarena;                  // 设置ao的下一个arenas可用
163             }
164             ao->nextarena->prevarena = ao->prevarena;           // 设置ao下一个的上一个为ao的上一个
166             /* Locate the new insertion point by iterating over
167              * the list, using our nextarena pointer.
168              */
169             while (ao->nextarena != NULL &&
170                             nf > ao->nextarena->nfreepools) {
171                 ao->prevarena = ao->nextarena;                  // 设置ao的上一个为ao的下一个
172                 ao->nextarena = ao->nextarena->nextarena;       // 设置ao的下一个为ao的下一个的下一个
173             }
175             /* Insert ao at this point. */
176             assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
177                 ao->prevarena == ao->nextarena->prevarena);     
178             assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao->nextarena);
180             ao->prevarena->nextarena = ao;                      // 将ao设置到ao的上一个的下一个
181             if (ao->nextarena != NULL)
182                 ao->nextarena->prevarena = ao;      
184             /* Verify that the swaps worked. */
185             assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
186                       nf <= ao->nextarena->nfreepools);
187             assert(ao->prevarena == NULL ||
188                       nf > ao->prevarena->nfreepools);
189             assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
190                 ao->nextarena->prevarena == ao);
191             assert((usable_arenas == ao &&
192                 ao->prevarena == NULL) ||
193                 ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao);
195             UNLOCK();
196             return;
197         }
198         /* Pool was full, so doesn't currently live in any list:
199          * link it to the front of the appropriate usedpools[] list.
200          * This mimics LRU pool usage for new allocations and
201          * targets optimal filling when several pools contain
202          * blocks of the same size class.
203          */
204         --pool->ref.count;                      // 引用减一
205         assert(pool->ref.count > 0);            /* else the pool is empty */
206         size = pool->szidx;                     // 获取pool的size
207         next = usedpools[size + size];          // 获取usedpools的数组对应的值 
208         prev = next->prevpool;                  // 获取上一个
209         /* insert pool before next:   prev <-> pool <-> next */
210         pool->nextpool = next;                  // 设置pool的下一个为next
211         pool->prevpool = prev;                  // 设置pool的上一个为next的上一个
212         next->prevpool = pool;                  // 设置next的上一个为pool
213         prev->nextpool = pool;                  // 设置prev的下一个为pool ,将pool插入到了usedpools列表中
214         UNLOCK();                               // 释放锁
215         return;
216     }
218 #ifdef WITH_VALGRIND
219 redirect:
220 #endif
221     /* We didn't allocate this address. */
222     PyMem_RawFree(p);                           // 释放内容
223 } 
View Code


然后设计到的arena的相关操作,当当前的arena的所有的pool都为empty是,释放pool集合占用的内存;当之前的arena没有了empty的pool是,那么在unable_arenas链表中找不到arena,需要将该arena加入到usable_arenas链表中;当arena中的empty的pool个数为n,则从usable_arenas开始寻找arena可用插入的位置,将arena插入,这样保证一个arena的empty pool的数量越多,被使用的机会越少。




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