
§1. 便利Convenience

It will offer us great convenience in many aspects of our life.

Sth. will bring about tremendous inconvenience in many aspects of our daily life.

Microblog enables its users to convey their emotions and individual thoughts more conveniently.

We have easier access to education resources on the internet.

Credit card enables its owners to obtain more convenient services.

social networking site is a convenient source of entertainment and relaxation.

§2. 节约和浪费Save and waste

It will help us save a great deal of time (and money).

Sth. is nothing but a waste of our precious time.

It enables those who have low financial condition to save a great deal of money. 二手货

Quite a few people waste electricity without even realizing it . 城市用电紧张 electricity crisis

Living on campus can save us a great deal of time on the way between home and school everyday,

so we would be able to concentrate more time and energy on study. 家长要求孩子寄宿学校

§3. 效率Efficiency

It can enhance our work (study)efficiency greatly.

It will decrease our work (study)efficiency greatly.

With a wealth of information on the internet , searching for useful information can be time-consuming and inefficient. 网络 VS 图书搜索信息

§4. 环境 Environment

Sth. contributes to the improvement of environment.

Sth. has a detrimental impact on the environment.

No one can deny the fact that the environment in big cities is in an undesirable condition.大城市的生活环境愈加恶化

If nothing is to be done to protect the environment, the environmental problems will inevitably be aggravated . 环境问题将会不可避免地加剧;保护环境的紧迫性

Various measures should be adopted to arouse public awareness of environmental protection.

§5. 经济、发展、就业 Economy

Sth. contributes to the ( )development of economy. (Long-term || Sustainable || Rapid and sound || Comprehensive )

Sth. will hamper the ( )development of economy.

Taking part-time jobs can relieve their family financial burden to some extent. 大学生在校兼职

Civil servant, as one of the most stable professions, has become their preferable choice.考公务员热

The more education you have, the more likely you are to hold an advantage in the job markets. 考研、考证热

§6. 文化、教育Culture and education

It is conducive to the development and prosperity of culture.

It has detrimental effects on the development of culture.

our knowledge will be well enriched and our horizons will be greatly expanded.越来越多的家长,送孩子出国

Cultural exchange is conducive to the cultural prosperity. 文化交流有利于文化繁荣

Influenced by the enterprise culture, you are more likely to master the standard working process.在大公司还是小公司工作?

The importance of family education is self-evident.

Family education,to some extent,will exert a strong influence on children’s growth.

§7. 独立Independence

It can help people foster the consciousness of independence.

It is unfavorable to the formation of consciousness of independence.

It can reduce their dependence/ reliance on parents.

they don’t want to be overprotected by their parents but long for chance to face the society by themselves.

§8. 合作Cooperation

It can help people foster the consciousness of cooperation .

It is unfavorable to the formation of consciousness of cooperation.

cooperation plays a vital role in the course of achieving a goal.

A more extensive cooperation can achieve a win-win situation.

Children’s mental problems can only be solved through cooperation between schools and parents .

§9. 自信Confidence

It can help people build up / boost self-confidence.

It is unfavorable to the formation/improvement of self-confidence.

students will be more confident in the course of job-hunting

§10. 社交能力Social skills

It can help people enhance their social skills.

It is not conducive to the improvement of their social skills.

students can develop their practical capabilities.

Students can gain much experience that they will never be able to get from the textbooks.

It can bring their abilities into full play .充分发挥他们的能力

People will be exposed to new ideas through a great variety of  social activities.

It will help people do a better job in adapting themselves to the new environment.

…provides them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills,which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.

§11. 个人健康Health

Sth. contributes directly to our body health.

Sth. has a detrimental effect on our body health.

Being addicted to video games impairs people’s health both physically and mentally学生沉迷于电子/网络游戏

Taking exercise can build up one's resistance to disease.

Taking exercise can enhance immune function.

§12. 对个人产生的影响Influence

Sth. will exert a profound influence on one’s life/ growth.

Sth. will exert a negative influence on one’s life/ growth.

Digital products have exerted a profound influence on our daily life in more than one way.

Sth. has a beneficial impact on the development of their personal character.

…can add color to our monotonous daily life.


Sth. can enrich our life and make our life more meaningful.

posted on 2012-11-19 16:53  山上明月  阅读(415)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报