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What types of applications deployed on MySQL and MySQL Customers

In the Application space, MySQL is very dominant with Web-based applications with them being the most popular.         MySQL’s customer base is centered in 5 key areas – Web, SaaS, Enterprise, Telecommunication, and  OEM.   There are more than 400 major customers, such as Google, Yahoo, YouTube, and Facebook. Utilitized in virtually every Web 2.0 companies such as Craiglist, Flickr, Wikipedia, and Zillow.  With strength in Teleco including customers such as Cisco, Comcast, Alcatel and China Mobile.  Strength in Enterprise customers including Associated Press, Shinsei Bank and Toys R’ Us.  

posted on 2013-03-19 00:51  Oracle和MySQL  阅读(115)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
