
Dec 12 12:17:01 bogon CRON[3308]: (root) CMD ( ? cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)

Dec 12 12:28:02 bogon systemd[1]: Stopping User Manager for UID 1000...

Dec 12 12:28:02 bogon systemd[873]: Reached target Shutdown.

Dec 12 12:28:02 bogon systemd[873]: Starting Exit the Session...

Dec 12 12:28:02 bogon systemd[873]: Stopped target Default.

Dec 12 12:28:02 bogon systemd[873]: Stopped target Basic System.

Dec 12 12:28:02 bogon systemd[873]: Stopped target Sockets.

Dec 12 12:28:02 bogon systemd[873]: Stopped target Timers.

Dec 12 12:28:02 bogon systemd[873]: Stopped target Paths.

Dec 12 12:28:02 bogon systemd[873]: Received SIGRTMIN+24 from PID 3489 (kill).

Dec 12 12:28:02 bogon systemd[1]: Stopped User Manager for UID 1000.

Dec 12 12:28:02 bogon systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of dev.

Dec 12 12:28:12 bogon systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of dev.

Dec 12 12:28:12 bogon systemd[1]: Starting User Manager for UID 1000...

Dec 12 12:28:12 bogon systemd[1]: Started Session 6 of user dev.

Dec 12 12:28:12 bogon systemd[3497]: Reached target Paths.

Dec 12 12:28:12 bogon systemd[3497]: Reached target Timers.

Dec 12 12:28:12 bogon systemd[3497]: Reached target Sockets.

Dec 12 12:28:12 bogon systemd[3497]: Reached target Basic System.

Dec 12 12:28:12 bogon systemd[3497]: Reached target Default.

Dec 12 12:28:12 bogon systemd[3497]: Startup finished in 21ms.

Dec 12 12:28:12 bogon systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 1000.

Dec 12 12:28:13 bogon systemd[1]: Started Session 7 of user dev.

Dec 12 12:28:15 bogon systemd[1]: Started Session 8 of user dev.

Dec 12 12:31:08 bogon dhclient[789]: DHCPREQUEST of on ens32 to port 67 (xid=0x545717df)

Dec 12 12:31:08 bogon dhclient[789]: DHCPACK of from

Dec 12 12:31:08 bogon dhclient[789]: bound to -- renewal in 833 seconds.



vim/etc/systemd/logind.confand reboot.

上面的问题很可能导致ISCSI 的连接变为CLEANUP_WAIT状态(targetcli sessions detail此命令来查看连接状态),导致ISCSI连接不可用。




posted @ 2020-04-22 16:24  kissrule  阅读(1580)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报