
Resources.Load 加载

static function Load (path : string) : Object


Loads an asset stored at path in the Resources folder.


Returns the asset at path if it can be found otherwise returns null. The path is relative to the Resources folder, extensions must be omitted. The Resources folder can be anywhere inside the Assets folder.

如果发现,返回所在path处的资源,否则返回null。只有type类型的物体将被返回. Path相对于Resources文件夹,扩展名必须被忽略。Resouces文件夹可以在Assets文件夹中的任何位置。

AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 指定路径加载资源

static function LoadAssetAtPath (assetPath : string, type : Type) : Object



Returns the first asset object of type type at given path assetPath.


Some asset files may contain multiple objects. (such as a Maya file which may contain multiple Meshes and GameObjects). All paths are relative to the project folder. Like: "Assets/MyTextures/hello.png".

有些资源文件可能包含许多对象。(例如一个maya文件可能包含许多个网格和游戏物体)。所有的路径都是相对于工程目录文件. 例如” Assets/MyTextures/hello.png”

Note: The assetPath parameter is not needed to be case sensitive. ALL asset names & paths in Unity are with forward slashes.


posted @ 2015-09-17 12:47  liufeiyue  阅读(130)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报