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Uploading Your Application - Google App Engine — Google Developers

Uploading Your Application

You create and manage applications in App Engine using the Administration Console. Once you have registered an application ID for your application, you upload it to your website using appcfg.py, a command-line tool provided in the SDK. Or, if you're using Google App Engine Launcher, you can upload your application by clicking the Deploy button.

Note: Once you register an application ID, you can delete it, but you can't re-register that same application ID after it has been deleted. You can skip these next steps if you don't want to register an ID at this time.

Registering the Application

You create and manage App Engine web applications from the App Engine Administration Console, at the following URL:


Google App Engine Launcher users can reach this URL by clicking the Dashboard button.

Sign in to App Engine using your Google account. If you do not have a Google account, you can create a Google account with an email address and password.

To create a new application, click the "Create an Application" button. Follow the instructions to register an application ID, a name unique to this application. If you elect to use the free appspot.com domain name, the full URL for the application will be http://your_app_id.appspot.com/. You can also purchase a top-level domain name for your app, or use one that you have already registered.

Edit the app.yaml file, then change the value of the application: setting from helloworld to your registered application ID.

Uploading the Application

To upload your finished application to Google App Engine, run the following command:

appcfg.py update helloworld/

Or click Deploy in Google App Engine Launcher.

Enter your Google username and password at the prompts.

You can now see your application running on App Engine. If you set up a free appspot.com domain name, the URL for your website begins with your application ID:



posted on 2012-04-21 16:54  lexus  阅读(298)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报