
声明:以下内容B站/Youtube学习笔记,https://www.youtube.com/user/BoQianTheProgrammer/ Advanced C++.

 1 /*
 2 why use const
 3 a)Guards against inadvertent write to the variable
 4 b)Self documenting
 5 c)Enables compiler to do more optimization,making code tighter,faster
 6 d)const means the variable can be put in ROM
 7 */
 8 //const 
 9 // A compile time constraint that an object can not  be modified
11 int main()
12 {
13     const int i = 9;
14     //i = 7; wrong
15     //如何修改i的值呢?
16     const_cast<int&>(i) = 7;
18     int j;
19     static_cast<const int&>(j) = 7;//wrong,此时j被转成const
21     const int *p1 = &i;//data is const,pointer is not
22     p1++;
23     int * const p2;//pointer is const,data is not
24     const int* const p3;//data and pointer are both const
26     int const *p4 = &i;
27     const int *p4 = &i;
28     //If const is on the left of *,data is const
29     //If const is on the right of *,pointer is const
30 }


posted on 2018-09-20 23:04  Worty  阅读(382)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报