常用 git 命令

git diff  : compare working directory and staged file ( by git add)

git diff --stage: compare staged file with file on the server 

git diff HEAD: compare working directory and file on the server

 git diff ffd98b291e0caa6c33575c1ef465eae661ce40c9:filename b8e7b00c02b95b320f14b625663fdecf2d63e74c:filename   (filename 是带路径的,或者是 如 ./a.out 这样的形式)

git show  $commit --stat  : show which files included for $commit

git log -p file : show commit history for file

git log --pretty=oneline file  : show related commits that includes the file

git log --author=daphne  :查看某个用户的提交记录

git show <commit> <file> :   show the file include in the commit

git stash list //查看stash 列表

执行 git stash clear  :注意这是清空你所有的内容

git stash drop stash@{0} 这是删除第一个队列


posted @ 2017-11-16 13:27  Andy.gbhu  阅读(211)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报