a Reference for DataBase Object Naming Rules

refere to:

Version, 2007.9.19



1     Doc Goal

2     Rules of TableName

3     Rules of FieldName

3.1      Primary Key Names

3.2      Foreign Key Names

3.3      Default Value Constraint Names

3.4      Check Constraint Names

3.5      Index Names

4     Rules Of Stored Procedure Names

5     Rules of User Defined Functions (UDF) Names

6     Rules Of View Names

7     Rules Of Trigger Names

1 Doc Goal

2 Rules of TableName

Common rules: TableName : named by data object/view, and according to the common way that analyse a business object’s attribution, there will be four kinds of table: EntityTable, EntityExpandTable, RelationTable, MasterSlaveTable.

l         EntityTable:

n         Define:a table just to define the business object’s attribution

n         Format: first character of each word is separated by Capital letter;

n         Example:

n         Note:

l         EntityExpandTable:

n         Define: if a table has many field and most or some of them are not used often.. Please thinking about putting them into an expand table

n         Format:Master Table Name + “ ExpInfo“;

n         Example:
eReviewRecordExpInfo: eReviewRecord + “ExpInfo”

n         Note:

l         RelationTable:

n         Define: Maps are used to produce one->many or many->many relationships

n         Format: the two EntityTables Names + “Map”,

n         Example:
 WorkPackageProjectMap : “WorkPackage” + “Project”+ “Map”;

n         Note:
 if the two tables have a relationship of master- slave, the first EntityTableName is the master table and the second table is the slave table;

l         Master/Slave Table OR Module/SubModuleName/…/Table:

n         Define: if some business objects have master/slave relationship or some business objects belong to the other business objects. Please think about using the following formatting on them.

n         Format: MasterTableName+SlaveTableName OR ModuleName+SubModuleName+TableName (please make the module levels less than three)

n         Example:
StandardsAuditException: “StandardsAudit” + “Exception”;

n         Note:

3 Rules of FieldName

Common Rules:

l         One business object should be thought as a unit, and it starts with a upper-case letter, and the subsequent words are lowercase; and the second business object just do the same.

l         the whole length of the field name should be less than 20, if it will be more than that , please think about some short names that are common for the developers.

l          “Created” and “Updated” must be included in all tables for replication purposes in future.

l         Pascal Case

l         Avoid underscore

l         Format: <TableName(for PK only)><Qualifier><Name>

use the following components in the order below;

    • Qualifier: Optional; Description, to clarify the meaning of the field. For example, if a product has two images, this would clarify the field, eg. FrontImage and RearImage
    • Name: Required; This is a database independent “datatype” descriptor which is used to classify the type of data. Below is a common list of standard classifiers. The exception to this is a Boolean. This should be Prefixed with “Is” as this more positively represents the meaning o the value. Flag suffix is considered optional “Flag” or Eg. IsEnabled or IsEnabledFlag



Suggested SQL Data Type


Street or mailing address data



Chronological age in years



Average; consider a computed column



Currency amount



Non Database Identifier



A field containing extensible data



Calendar date



Date including time



Day of month (1 - 31)



Brief narrative description



Length of time, eg minutes



Unique identifier for something



A graphic image, such as a bitmap



Not Required: Flag indicates a boolean indicator, where the Qualifier verb does not make it clear it is a verb. Examples of a Qualifier are: Is, Has, Uses. Eg IsEnabled



Month of year


Formal name




Number expressed as a percent


A number of things

any numerical


Number expressed as a rate

any numerical


A proportion, or expression of relationship in quantity, size, amount, etc. between two things

any numerical


A numeric order field



Freeform textual information



Time of day



Formal name of something






Weight measurement

any numerical


A field containing xml data



Calendar year or julian year number

3.1       Primary Key Names

Primary Key: ID: All tables have ID as the label for ids, not TableID or others,and it should start as “PK_”;

  • Naming Format: use the following components in the order below;
    • Prefix: Required; prefix primary key with “PK_”
    • TableName: Required; Table name of table being keyed
  • Examples:

o    PK_Customer

3.2       Foreign Key Names

Foreign Key: Foreign TableName + “ID”; And it should start as “FK_”;

  • Naming Format: use the following components in the order below;
    • Prefix: Required; prefix foreign key with “FK_”
    • Reference Table Name(s): Required; Table name of table in the join, for which a unique index is on column(s) being linked. Where both have a unique index, such as linking key, order is optional
    • Foreign Table Name(s): Required; Table name of table in the join, for there is not a unique index on the column(s) being linked.
  • Example foreign key names:
    • FK_Country_Customer
    • FK_Customer_Sales

3.3       Default Value Constraint Names

  • Naming Format: use the following components in the order below;
    • Prefix: Required; prefix default value constraint with “DF_”
    • TableName: Required; Table name
    • ColumnName: Required; Column name
  • Example foreign key names:
    • DF_Author_Gender

3.4       Check Constraint Names

  • Naming Format: use the following components in the order below;
    • Prefix: Required; prefix check constraint with “CK_”
    • TableName: Required; Table name
    • Integer: Required; Where the integer id is used to distinguish the check constraint from other check constraints on the same table.
  • Example foreign key names:
    • CK_Author1

3.5       Index Names

Index names are unique within a table so it isn’t necessary to include the tablename in the index. When looking at execution plans it is helpful to have a hint about the columns being indexed

  • Naming Format: use the following components in the order below;
    • Prefix: Required; prefix with “IX”
    • Clustered: Required; if Clustered Index include “C”
    • Unique: Required; if Unique Index include “U”
    • Column Names: Required; Include the list of columns indexed, using underscores between the column names. For an index that covers all columns in the table, use the word All.

·         Example Index Names:

o    IXCU_AuthorID   (clustered unique)

o    IXU_AuthorID (unique)

o    IX_AuthorID_AuthorName (composite index)

o    IXC_AuthorID (clustered not unique)

4 Rules Of Stored Procedure Names

·         Use PascalCase

  • Naming Format: use the following components in the order below;
    • Object: Required; usually the table or combinations of tables it is affecting, followed by underscore.
    • Action: Required; eg Save, Load, Get, Set, SetSingle, Search, Delete
    • Qualifier: Optional; additional descriptive words which help to clarify the specific meaning of the stored procedure
    • Return Type: Optional; Indicates the type of data return
    • Format: “USP_”+ObjectName+Action+…
  • Example Stored Procedure Names:
    • AuthorSave
    • AuthorLoad
    • AuthorLoadByAuthorID
    • AuthorLoadByName
  • Do not:
    • Use special characters.
    • Use stored procedure group numbers (e.g. myProc;1).
    • prefix names with “sp_” as those are reserved for procedures shipped by SQL Server.

5 Rules of User Defined Functions (UDF) Names

·         Use PascalCase

  • Naming Format: use the following components in the order below;
    • Prefix: Required; “udf_”
    • Object: Required; usually the table or combinations of tables it is affecting, followed by underscore.
    • Action: Required; eg Get, Set, SetSingle, Search, Delete
    • Qualifier: Optional; additional descriptive words which help to clarify the specific meaning of the stored procedure
    • Return Type: Optional; Indicates the type of data return
  • Example Function Names:
    • udf_AuthorGetID
  • Often stored procedures will replicate (wrap) a user defined function. In this case the names should be identical with the exception of the additional prefix on a UDF.
  • Note, udfs cannot have any “effects” so cannot modify data.

6 Rules Of View Names

For Views which provide a view on the data which makes them read only.

·         Use PascalCase, except for prefix

  • Naming Format: use the following components in the order below;
    • Prefix: Required; prefix with “VW_”
    • Object: Required; usually the concatenation of tables in the view
    • Qualifier: Optional; additional descriptive words which help to clarify the purpose of the view.

7 Rules Of Trigger Names

·         Use PascalCase, except for prefix

  • Naming Format: use the following components in the order below;
    • Prefix: Required; prefix with “TRG”
    • Type: Required; depending on type of trigger, after or instead of. prefix with “A_” or “I_”
    • Object: Required; usually the table being iterated over.
    • Actions covered: Required; composite key of actions, “Upd”, “Ins”, “Del”

·         Example Trigger Names:

o    TRGA_CustomerInsUpdDe

o    TRGA_ProductDel

o    TRGI_AuthorUpd

posted on 2007-09-24 10:33  ez.zhao  阅读(451)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
