
2012-03-06 Created By BaoXinjian

一、 摘要

在设定并发程式时,需给parameter设定默认值,Concurrent Program中部分多个Parameter的联动的实现也可以通过默认值的实现

1. Constand

2. Segment

3. Profile

4. SQL Statement

5. Current Time and Date


二、 参数具体设定简例

1. Constant


2. Segment


3. Profile


4. SQL Statement

(1). SELECT TO_NUMBER (oe_sys_parameters.VALUE ('SET_OF_BOOKS_ID')) 
         FROM DUAL ;
(2). SELECT :$flex$.xxont_4394_srs_pick_slip_number
         FROM DUAL ;
(3). SELECT organization_code 
         FROM org_organization_definitions
       WHERE organization_id = :$profiles$.mfg_organization_id;


5. Current Time or Current Date


Thanks and Regards

posted on 2012-03-06 13:21  东方瀚海  阅读(433)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报