/* 2 功能:生成博客目录的JS工具 3 测试:IE8,火狐,google测试通过 6 */ 7 var BlogDirectory = { 8 /* 9 获取元素位置,距浏览器左边界的距离(left)和距浏览器上边界的距离(top) 10 */ 11 getElementPosition:function (ele) { 12 var topPosition = 0; 13 var leftPosition = 0; 14 while (ele){ 15 topPosition += ele.offsetTop; 16 leftPosition += ele.offsetLeft; 17 ele = ele.offsetParent; 18 } 19 return {top:topPosition, left:leftPosition}; 20 }, 21 22 /* 23 获取滚动条当前位置 24 */ 25 getScrollBarPosition:function () { 26 var scrollBarPosition = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; 27 return scrollBarPosition; 28 }, 29 30 /* 31 移动滚动条,finalPos 为目的位置,internal 为移动速度 32 */ 33 moveScrollBar:function(finalpos, interval) { 34 35 //若不支持此方法,则退出 36 if(!window.scrollTo) { 37 return false; 38 } 39 40 //窗体滚动时,禁用鼠标滚轮 41 window.onmousewheel = function(){ 42 return false; 43 }; 44 45 //清除计时 46 if (document.body.movement) { 47 clearTimeout(document.body.movement); 48 } 49 50 var currentpos =BlogDirectory.getScrollBarPosition();//获取滚动条当前位置 51 52 var dist = 0; 53 if (currentpos == finalpos) {//到达预定位置,则解禁鼠标滚轮,并退出 54 window.onmousewheel = function(){ 55 return true; 56 } 57 return true; 58 } 59 if (currentpos < finalpos) {//未到达,则计算下一步所要移动的距离 60 dist = Math.ceil((finalpos - currentpos)/10); 61 currentpos += dist; 62 } 63 if (currentpos > finalpos) { 64 dist = Math.ceil((currentpos - finalpos)/10); 65 currentpos -= dist; 66 } 67 68 var scrTop = BlogDirectory.getScrollBarPosition();//获取滚动条当前位置 69 window.scrollTo(0, currentpos);//移动窗口 70 if(BlogDirectory.getScrollBarPosition() == scrTop)//若已到底部,则解禁鼠标滚轮,并退出 71 { 72 window.onmousewheel = function(){ 73 return true; 74 } 75 return true; 76 } 77 78 //进行下一步移动 79 var repeat = "BlogDirectory.moveScrollBar(" + finalpos + "," + interval + ")"; 80 document.body.movement = setTimeout(repeat, interval); 81 }, 82 83 htmlDecode:function (text){ 84 var temp = document.createElement("div"); 85 temp.innerHTML = text; 86 var output = temp.innerText || temp.textContent; 87 temp = null; 88 return output; 89 }, 90 91 /* 92 创建博客目录, 93 id表示包含博文正文的 div 容器的 id, 94 mt 和 st 分别表示主标题和次级标题的标签名称(如 H2、H3,大写或小写都可以!), 95 interval 表示移动的速度 96 */ 97 createBlogDirectory:function (id, mt, st, interval){ 98 //获取博文正文div容器 99 var elem = document.getElementById(id); 100 if(!elem) return false; 101 //获取div中所有元素结点 102 var nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("*"); 103 //创建博客目录的div容器 104 var divSideBar = document.createElement('DIV'); 105 divSideBar.className = 'sideBar'; 106 divSideBar.setAttribute('id', 'sideBar'); 107 var divSideBarTab = document.createElement('DIV'); 108 divSideBarTab.setAttribute('id', 'sideBarTab'); 109 divSideBar.appendChild(divSideBarTab); 110 var h2 = document.createElement('H2'); 111 divSideBarTab.appendChild(h2); 112 var txt = document.createTextNode('目录导航'); 113 h2.appendChild(txt); 114 var divSideBarContents = document.createElement('DIV'); 115 divSideBarContents.style.display = 'none'; 116 divSideBarContents.setAttribute('id', 'sideBarContents'); 117 divSideBar.appendChild(divSideBarContents); 118 //创建自定义列表 119 var dlist = document.createElement("dl"); 120 divSideBarContents.appendChild(dlist); 121 var num = 0;//统计找到的mt和st 122 mt = mt.toUpperCase();//转化成大写 123 st = st.toUpperCase();//转化成大写 124 //遍历所有元素结点 125 for(var i=0; i

oracle学习笔记(十三) 查询练习(三) 子查询查询


create table empployee_demo(
   empno     number(4) not null primary key,  --员工编号,主键
   ename     varchar2(10) not null unique,    --员工名,唯一键
   job       varchar2(9),                     --职位、工作
   mgr       number(4),                       --经理编号
   hiredate  date default sysdate,            --入职日期,默认约束
   sal       number(7,2) check(sal>=500 and sal<=10000),   --工资
   comm      number(7,2),                     --资金
   deptno    number(2)                        --部门编号

DEPTNO NUMBER(2)    --部门编号                          
DNAME  VARCHAR2(14) Y             --部门名字             
LOC    VARCHAR2(13) Y          --部门位置


--39. 查询部门名称为SALES和ACCOUNTING的员工信息
select * from employee
where deptno in 
(select deptno from department 
where dname ='SALES' or dname ='ACCOUNTING')

--40. 查询不是经理的员工的信息(使用in 或 not in来做)
select * from employee
where job not in ('MANAGER');

--41. 查询工资比10号部门员工中任意一个低的员工信息
select * from employee
where sal < any(select sal from employee where deptno=10);

--42. 查询工资比10号部门都要低的员工信息
select * from employee
where sal < all(select sal from employee where deptno=10);

select * from employee
where sal < (select min(sal) from employee where deptno=10);
--43. 查询出部门名称,部门员工数,部门平均工资,部门最低工资雇员的姓名,及工资等级
select d.dname 部门名,emp.cou 部门员工数,emp.avgsal 平均工资,e.ename 最低工资员工名,s.grade 工资等级
from department d,
     employee e,
     salgrade s,
     (select deptno,avg(sal) avgsal,count(empno) cou,min(sal) minsal from employee 
group by deptno) emp
where d.deptno = emp.deptno and e.sal = emp.minsal and e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal

select * from employee e
  left join department d on e.deptno = d.deptno  
where e.deptno = ( select deptno from employee
      where hiredate = (select min(hiredate) from employee))
--45. 列出最低薪金大于1500的各种工作及此从事此工作的全部雇员人数
select count(empno),job
from employee
where job in (select job from employee
  group by job
  having min(sal)>1500
group by job  

--46. 求出在'SALES'部门工作的员工姓名,假设不知道销售部的部门编号
select ename from employee 
where deptno =(select deptno from department
where dname='SALES')

--47. 列出薪金高于公司平均薪金的所有员工,所在部门,上级领导,和工资等级
select e.*,s.grade,boss.ename 上级领导
from employee e,department d,salgrade s,employee boss
where e.deptno = d.deptno and e.sal between losal and hisal and e.mgr = boss.empno
and e.sal > (select avg(sal) from employee)

--48. 列出与员工SCOTT从事相同工作的所有员工及部门名称
select ename,e.job,dname from employee e,department d,(select deptno,job from employee where ename ='SCOTT') e1
where e.deptno = d.deptno and e.job = e1.job and e.deptno=e1.deptno and ename <>'SCOTT'

--49. 查询和SMITH部门相同, 岗位相同的人
select * from employee
where deptno = (select deptno from employee where ename='SMITH')
and job = (select job from employee where ename = 'SMITH')

--50. 和ALLEN同部门,工资高于MARTIN的雇员有哪些
select * from employee
where deptno = (select deptno from employee where ename='ALLEN') and
sal> (select sal from employee where ename = 'MARTIN')

--51. 比blake工资高的雇员有哪些? 
select * from employee
where sal> (select sal from employee where ename = 'BLAKE')

--52. 高于30部门最高工资的雇员有哪些?
select * from employee
where sal > (select max(sal) from employee where deptno=30)

--53. 查询scott.emp表中所有的经理的信息(此操作子查询会返回多行记录)
select * from employee  
where empno in (select distinct mgr from employee where mgr is not null);

--54. 工资高于本部门平均工资的人(拿上游工资的人)有哪些?
select deptno,ename,sal 
from employee e
where sal>(select avg(sal) from employee where deptno=e.deptno);

--55. 工作和部门与SMITH相同,工资高于JAMES的雇员有哪些?
select * from employee
where deptno = (select deptno from employee where ename='SMITH')
and job = (select job from employee where ename = 'SMITH') and sal > (select sal from employee where ename='JAMES')  

select job,deptno,sal 
from employee 
where (job,deptno)=(select job,deptno from employee where ename='SMITH') 
  and sal>(select sal from employee where ename='JAMES');
select deptno 部门,count(empno) 员工数量,avg(sal) 平均工资,avg(extract(year from sysdate)-extract(year from hiredate)) 平均服务年限 from employee
group by deptno
order by deptno

--57. 列出薪金等于部门30中员工的薪金的所有员工的姓名和薪金
select ename,sal from employee
where sal in (select sal from employee where deptno = 30) and deptno!=30;

select ename,sal from employee
where sal > all(select sal from employee where deptno = 30) and deptno!=30;

59. 分页查询,每页显示5条记录,按工资升序排序

使用employee表,利用子查询和 rownum伪列编写一个分页查询语句,每页显示5条记录,

<a href="....?pageNo=1">第一页</a>
<a href="....?pageNo=?">上一页</a>
<a href="....?pageNo=?">下一页</a>
<a href="....?pageNo=max_value">最后一页</a>

select * from(
    select t.*,rownum rn from (select * from employee order by sal ) t --每条数据都有了个伪列
    where rownum<=10 --到10行结束
) where rn>=5 --5行开始

--60. 有如下表结构,删除表中重复的数据,重复数据只保留一行:表:emp_dup(id number, name varchar2(10));
--    自行插入一些重复数据
delete from  emp_dup a  
where  a.rowid>(
    select min(b.rowid) from  emp_dup b where  a.id = b.id and a.name = b.name
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