

learning python

   optimize 【ˈɑ:ptɪmaɪz】 

  1. to make something as good or as effective as possible
    - the new system will optimize the efficiency with which water is used.
    - the car's design is optimized for speed.

   fixed 【fɪkst】 

  1. used to describe something that does not change
    - a fixed interest rate
    - they are trying to live on a fixed income.
  2. have something needed
    - they were well fixed for food.
    - how are you fixed for money?

   precedence 【ˈprɛsɪdəns】 

  1. the condition of being important than something or someone else and therefore coming or being dealt with first
    - the guests were introduced in order of precedence.
    - many small businesses complain that the government's policies give precedence to large corportations.

   rational 【ˈræʃənəl】 

  1. based on facts or reason and not on emotions or feelings
    - a rational decision
    - i am sure there is a rational explanationfor his decision.
  2. able to make sensible judgments
    - man is a rational animal.
    - we were too shocked to think rationally

   query 【ˈkwɪri】 

  1. to ask someone a question
    - the reporter queried several citizens about the tax hike.
  2. to ask questions or express doubt about something
    - she queried the teacher's decision.
posted @ 2016-08-01 22:09  luser_run  阅读(111)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报