Shell study note



view Global variables


new shell


Global variables and local variables

export test

Local → Global, so it can be accessed in both subshell and main shell.

unset test

Delete a variable, no $ needed.


append PATH, no “” needed, export needed to make it global.


define own aliases

User-defined variables are lower-cased; while sys variables are upper.


remember there is no BLANK;

bash: new a shell, the subshell has no $test variable for it is user-defined; so it is with the subshell.

To fix this, we can “export test”, and NO $ needed.

When unset a global var, it only influent the subshell who execute this cmd.


# add a alias

echo "alias ll='ls -al'" >> /home/joker/.bashrc

posted on 2016-10-06 22:36  _bob  阅读(233)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报