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mysql -uroot -p  
解释说明: -u表示用户名, -p:密码

select now();


show databases;

create database py40 charset=utf8;

use py40;
show tables;

select database();

drop database py40

show tables;

create table students(id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,name varchar(10) not null, age tinyint default 0, height decimal(3,2), gender enum('', '') default '');

alter table students add birthday date;

alter table students modify birthday datetime not null;

alter table students change birthday birth date;

alter table students drop birth;

desc students

show create table students;

show create database python40;

drop table students;

select * from students;
select name,age from students;

insert into students values(null, '黄蓉', 18, 1.55, '')
提示: 主键自增列可以使用0或者null或者default

insert into students(name, age) values('黄老邪',60);  
insert into students values(null, '黄蓉', 18, 1.55, ''),(null, '郭靖', 18, 1.55, '');

insert into students(name, age) values('黄老邪',60),('欧阳锋',60);  

update students set height = 1.8, gender='' where id = 8;

delete from students where id = 9;
alter table students add is_del int not null default 0;

update students set is_del = 1 where id = 10;

select name as n, age as a from students s;
提示: as可以省略表示也是设置别名

select distinct height, gender from students;

select * from students where id > 3;

select * from students where id <= 4;

select * from students where name != '黄蓉';
select * from students where name <> '黄蓉';

select * from students where is_del = 0;

select * from students where id > 3 and gender = '';

select * from students where id < 4 or is_del = 0;

select * from students where not (age >= 10 and age <= 15);

select * from students where name like '黄%';

% 表示任意多个字符

select * from students where name like '黄_';

_ 表示任意一个字符

select * from students where name like '黄%' or name like '%靖';

select * froms students where id >= 3 and id <= 8;
select * from students where id between 3 and 8;

select * from students where not (id between 3 and 8);

select * from students where id in (3, 5, 7);

select * from students where id not in (3, 5, 7);

select * from students where height is null;
select * from students where height is not null;

select * from students where is_del = 0 and gender='' order by id desc;

--显示所有的学生信息,先按照年龄从大-->小排序,当年龄相同时 按照身高从高-->矮排序
select * from students order by age desc, height desc;

select * from students where gender = '' limit 0, 3;
select * from students where gender = '' limit 3;

limit是分页查询的关键字,第一个参数表示开始行索引, 第二个参数是查询的条数


提示: 求第n页数据,其实先把开始行索引计算出来即可
select * from student limit (n-1)*10, 10
-- 统计学生表里面的总人数
select count(id) from students;
select count(height) from students;  注意点聚合函数不统计NULL值
提示: 如果要是必须指定某一个字段,那么这个字段应该是主键
select count(*) from students;
-- 获取年龄最大的学生
select max(age) from students;
-- 查询女生的编号最大值
select max(age) from students where gender = '';
-- 查询未删除的学生最小编号
select min(id) from students where is_del = 0;
-- 查询男生的总身高
select sum(height) from students where gender = ''
-- 求平均值
select sum(height)/count(*) from students where gender = ''
-- 不统计null的平均值
select avg(height) from  students where gender='';
-- 统计null的平均值
select avg(ifnull(height, 0)) from students where gender='';
-- 根据gender字段来分组
select gender from students group by gender;

-- 根据name和gender字段进行分组
select gender,name from students group by gender, name;

-- 根据gender字段进行分组, 查询gender字段和分组的name字段信息
select gender, group_concat(name) from students group by gender;

-- 提示: 如果给表进行分组,那么查询的字段只能是指定分组的字段, 其它字段要想查询可以使用聚合函数
-- 统计不同性别的人的平均年龄
select gender, avg(age) from students group by gender;
-- 统计不同性别的人的个数
select gender, count(*) from students group by gender;
-- 根据gender字段进行分组,统计分组条数大于6的
select gender, count(*) from students group by gender having count(*) > 5;
-- 根据gender字段进行分组,汇总总人数
select gender, count(*) from students group by gender with rollup;

-- 根据gender字段进行分组,汇总所有人的年龄
select gender, group_concat(age) from students group by gender with rollup;

-- 使用内连接查询学生表与班级表
select s.name, c.name from students s inner join classes c on s.c_id = c.id;

提示: 做连接查询的时候可以给表设置别名,使用更加方便
-- 使用左连接查询学生表与班级表
select s.name, c.name from students s left join classes c on s.c_id = c.id;


-- 使用右连接查询学生表与班级表
select s.name, c.name from students s right join classes c on s.c_id = c.id;

-- 使用自连接查询省份和城市信息
select c.id, c.title, c.pid, p.title from areas c inner join areas p on c.pid = p.id where p.title='山西省';

-- 查询大于平均年龄的学生
select * from students where age > (select avg(age) from students);


-- 查询学生在班的所有班级名字
select * from classes where id in (select c_id from students where c_id is not null);

-- 查找年龄最大,身高最高的学生

 select * from students where age = (select max(age) from students) and height = (select max(height) from students);

 select * from students where (age, height) = (select max(age), max(height) from students);
-- 为学生表的c_id字段添加外键约束(如果)
alter table students add foreign key(c_id) references classes(id);

-- 创建学校表
create table school( id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment, name varchar(50) not null );

-- 创建老师表添加学校外键
create table teacher( id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment, name varchar(30), sid int unsigned, foreign key(sid) references school(id) );
-- 删除外键
alter table teacher drop foreign key teacher_ibfk_1
-- 查询类型cate_name为 '超级本' 的商品名称、价格
select name, price from goods where cate_name = '超级本';

-- 显示商品的分类
select distinct cate_name from goods
select cate_name from goods group by cate_name;
select cate_name, group_concat(name) from goods group by cate_name;select distinct cate_name from goods

-- 求所有电脑产品的平均价格,并且保留两位小数
 select round(avg(price),2) from goods;

-- 显示每种商品的平均价格
select cate_name, avg(price) from goods group by cate_name;

select cate_name, round(avg(price),1) from goods group by cate_name;

-- 查询每种类型的商品中 最贵、最便宜、平均价、数量

select cate_name, max(price), min(price), avg(price), count(*) from goods group by cate_name;

-- 查询所有价格大于平均价格的商品,并且按价格降序排序
select * from goods where price > (select avg(price) from goods) order by price desc;

-- 创建商品分类表
 create table goods_cates(
    id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
    name varchar(50)

-- 查询goods表中商品的分类信息
 select cate_name from goods group by cate_name;

-- 将查询结果插入到good_cates表中
insert into goods_cates(name) select cate_name from goods group by cate_name;

-- 添加移动设备分类信息
insert into goods_cates(name) values('移动设备');

-- 查看goods表中的商品分类名称对应的商品分类id
select g.cate_name, gc.id from goods g inner join goods_cates gc on g.cate_name = gc.name;

-- 将goods表中的分类名称更改成商品分类表中对应的分类id,连接更新表中的某个字段

update  goods g inner join goods_cates gc on g.cate_name = gc.name set g.cate_name = gc.id;

update 表名 set 列名=列值

-- 查询品牌信息
select brand_name from goods group by brand_name;

-- 通过create table ...select来创建商品品牌表并且同时插入数据
create table goods_brands( id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment, name varchar(30)) select brand_name as name from goods group by brand_name;

insert into goods_brands(name) select brand_name from goods group by brand_name;

-- 插入双飞燕品牌
insert into goods_brands(name) values('双飞燕');

-- 查看goods表中的商品品牌对应的商品品牌id
select g.brand_name, gs.id from goods g inner join goods_brands gs on g.brand_name = gs.name

-- 将goods表中的品牌更改成品牌表中对应的品牌id,连接更新表中的某个字段
update goods g inner join goods_brands gs on g.brand_name = gs.name set g.brand_name = gs.id;

-- 通过alter table语句修改表结构,把cate_name改成cate_id,把brand_name改成brand_id
alter table goods change cate_name cate_id int not null, change brand_name brand_id int not null;


posted @ 2016-05-17 10:53  高颜值的殺生丸  阅读(2776)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报





