




ID Title Difficulty C++ Python Blog
1 Two Sum Easy C++ Python 思路讲解
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Medium C++ Python 思路讲解
11 Container With Most Water Medium C++ Python 思路讲解

Linked List(链表)

ID Title Difficulty C++ Python Blog
2 Add Two Number Medium C++ Python 思路讲解


ID Title Difficulty C++ Python Blog
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Character Medium C++ Python 思路讲解
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium C++ Python 思路讲解
6 ZigZig Conversion Medium C++ Python 思路讲解
8 String to Integer Medium C++ Python 思路讲解
10 Regular Expression Matching Hard C++ Python 思路讲解
12 Integer to Roman Medium C++ Python 思路讲解
13 Roman to Integer Easy C++ Python 思路讲解
13 Longest Common Prefix Easy C++ Python 思路讲解


ID Title Difficulty C++ Python Blog
2 Add Two Number Medium C++ Python 思路讲解
7 Reverse Integer Easy C++ Python 思路讲解
9 Palindrome Number Easy C++ Python 思路讲解

Dynamic Programming(动态规划)

ID Title Difficulty C++ Python Blog
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium C++ Python 思路讲解
10 Regular Expression Matching Hard C++ Python 思路讲解


posted @ 2019-05-29 15:04  风雪初晴,宜下江南  阅读(173)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报