引入管脚分配表的注意点以及DE-II 70的特殊管脚设置


(1)Assignment->Import Assignment,


(3)Switch offthe item "Imported assigenment do not in current project" in Import options


2.对于DE-2 70这块板子,我的chip ID 是EP2C70F896C6 ,其中PIN_AD25这个PIN是特殊管脚,叫做Dual-Purpose Pin,在quartus II 9.0的default configure 条件下,用常规的分配方式对此管脚分配的话,会产生如下错误

 Info: Pin ~LVDS195p/nCEO~ is assigned to pin location Pin_AD25 (IOC_X95_Y2_N1)



(2)clickDevice and Pin options

(3)click Tag-"Dual-Purpose Pin"

(4)double-click thevalue of nCEO,choose to "use as a regular I/O"

(5)The ,clickok,clickok.

That's all ,compile you project!

PS:对于DE-2 70而言,PIN_AD25是其可做特殊功能的管脚,而对于其他系列型号的FPGA,可能管脚不同,可以注意看User Guide,做出对应设置即可.

posted @ 2010-05-05 14:00  Amazing_Eric  阅读(368)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报