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CCS - Baseband Digital Transmission - Signal Constellation Diagrams for Binary Signals


Signal Constellation Diagrams for Binary Signals









Matlab Coding

 1 % MATLAB script
 2 echo on
 3 x = [0.1,0.3,0.5];
 5 for i = 1:3
 6     n0=x(i)*randn(100,1);
 7     n1=x(i)*randn(100,1);
 8     n2=x(i)*randn(100,1);
 9     n3=x(i)*randn(100,1);
10     x1=1.+n0;
11     y1=n1;
12     x2=n2;
13     y2=1.+n3;
14     subplot(3,1,i);
15     plot(x1,y1,'o',x2,y2,'*')
16 xlabel(['\sigma = ', num2str(x(i))],'fontsize',10)
17 axis('square') 18 end

 Simulation Result



  1. <<Contemporary Communication System using MATLAB>> - John G. Proakis

posted @ 2020-09-07 21:45  zzYzz  阅读(261)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

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