


Confusing jclass with jobject
The differences between instance references (a value of the jobject type) and class references (a value of the jclass type) can be confusing when first using the JNI.
Instance references correspond to arrays and instances of java.lang.Object or one of its subclasses. Class references correspond to java.lang.Class instances, which represent class types.
An operation such as GetFieldID, which takes a jclass, is a class operation because it gets the field descriptor from a class. In contrast, GetIntField, which takes a jobject, is an instance operation because it gets the value of a field from an instance. The association of jobject with instance operations and the association of jclass with class operations are consistent across all JNI functions, so it iseasy to remember that class operations are distinct from instance operations.



posted @ 2017-02-13 14:06  鸭子船长  阅读(955)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报