在.net 开发RichClient应用程序中,有时要调用另外一个应用程序,并且在被调用的程序结束后,希望返回执行结果的状态。
下面的代码用appDomain 和 Process 两种技术实现这种应用:
1, 用process调用一个应用程序
appExePath: 应用程序
ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo (AppExePath);
p.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(AppExePath);
p.Arguments = CommandLineString;
AppProcess = Process.Start (p);
if (AppProcess.ExitCode == 2)
  restartApp = true;
  AppProcess = null;
  restartApp = false;
//AppProcess.ExitCode 返回一个int值。 被调用的程序在退出的时候可以设置Environment.ExitCode返回这个值,默认=0

2. 用AppDomain实现上述功能
AppDomain NewDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain (
     "New App Domain",

//Execute the app in the new appdomain
string[] cmdLineArgs;
cmdLineArgs = CommandLineArgs;  
retValue = NewDomain.ExecuteAssembly(AppExePath,AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence,cmdLineArgs);
//Unload the app domain
if (returnCode == 2)
restartApp = true;
restartApp = false; 

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xml;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

 // AppStart Class 
 // This is the main class for appstart.exe
 public class AppStart
  public AppStart() {}
  static string AppExePath;
  static Process AppProcess;
  static string[] CommandLineArgs;
  static string[] RestartCommandLineArgs;

  static string CommandLineString;
  static string RestartCommandLineString;

  // Main() 
  static void Main(string[] args)
   //Retrive cmdline to pass to new process
   CommandLineString = "";
   for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
    CommandLineString = string.Format ("{0} {1}", CommandLineString, args[i]);

   CommandLineString += " /appstartversion " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
   RestartCommandLineString = CommandLineString + " /restart ";

   CommandLineArgs = new String[args.Length+2];
   CommandLineArgs[CommandLineArgs.Length-2] = "/appstartversion";
   CommandLineArgs[CommandLineArgs.Length-1] = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
   RestartCommandLineArgs = new String[CommandLineArgs.Length+1];
   RestartCommandLineArgs[RestartCommandLineArgs.Length-1] = "/restart";

   AppStartConfig Config = LoadConfig();
   if (Config.AppLaunchMode == AppStartConfig.LaunchModes.Process)


   * StartAndWait_Domain()
   * 应用AppDomain 
  private static void StartAndWait_Domain()
   bool restartApp = true;
   int returnCode = 0;

   while (restartApp)
     returnCode = StartApp_Domain(false);
    catch (Exception e)
     Debug.WriteLine("APPLICATION STARTER:  Process.WaitForExit() failed, it's possible the process is not running");

    if (returnCode == 2)
     restartApp = true;
     restartApp = false; 

   * StartAndWait_Process()
  private static void StartAndWait_Process()
   bool restartApp = true;


   while (restartApp)
    catch (Exception e)
     Debug.WriteLine("APPLICATION STARTER:  Process.WaitForExit() failed, it's possible the process is not running");
     Debug.WriteLine("APPLICATION STARTER:  " + e.ToString());

    if (AppProcess.ExitCode == 2)
     restartApp = true;
     AppProcess = null;
     restartApp = false; 

   * StartApp_Domain()
  public static int StartApp_Domain(bool restartApp)
   Debug.WriteLine("APPLICATION STARTER:  Starting the app in a seperate domain");

   //Load the config file
   AppStartConfig Config;
   Config = LoadConfig();
   AppExePath = Config.AppExePath;

   //Load the app
   int retValue=0;
    //Create the new app domain
    AppDomain NewDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain (
     "New App Domain",

    //Execute the app in the new appdomain
    string[] cmdLineArgs;
     cmdLineArgs = RestartCommandLineArgs;
     cmdLineArgs = CommandLineArgs;  
    retValue = NewDomain.ExecuteAssembly(AppExePath,AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence,cmdLineArgs);
    //Unload the app domain

   catch (Exception e)
    Debug.WriteLine("APPLICATION STARTER:  Failed to start app at:  " + AppExePath);

   return (retValue);  
   * StartApp_Process()
  public static void StartApp_Process(bool restartApp)
   Debug.WriteLine("APPLICATION STARTER:  Starting the app in a seperate process");

   //Load the config file
   AppStartConfig Config;
   Config = LoadConfig();
   AppExePath = Config.AppExePath;

   //If the app has been started by this process before
   if (AppProcess != null)
    //& the app is still running, no need to start the app
    if (!AppProcess.HasExited)

   //Start the app
    ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo (AppExePath);
    p.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(AppExePath);

    // Notify the app if we are restarting in case there's something they want to do differently
     p.Arguments = RestartCommandLineString;
     p.Arguments = CommandLineString;
    AppProcess = Process.Start (p);
    Debug.WriteLine("APPLICATION STARTER:  Started app:  " + AppExePath);
   catch (Exception e)
    Debug.WriteLine("APPLICATION STARTER:  Failed to start process at:  " + AppExePath);


 posted on 2005-06-15 22:42  沧海一声笑  阅读(1148)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报