unity ui中使用onmouseover

unity ui中鼠标移进或者移出的触发方式与2d、3d的不同,2d、3d物体使用的是onmouseover,ui使用的是OnPointerEnter。需要实现以下两个接口。

public class TrackMouse: MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler
    // Called when the pointer enters our GUI component.
    // Start tracking the mouse
    public void OnPointerEnter( PointerEventData eventData )
        StartCoroutine( "TrackPointer" );          
    // Called when the pointer exits our GUI component.
    // Stop tracking the mouse
    public void OnPointerExit( PointerEventData eventData )
        StopCoroutine( "TrackPointer" );
    IEnumerator TrackPointer()
        var ray = GetComponentInParent<GraphicRaycaster>();
        var input = FindObjectOfType<StandaloneInputModule>();
        if( ray != null && input != null )
            while( Application.isPlaying )
                Vector2 localPos; // Mouse position  
                RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle( transform as RectTransform, Input.mousePosition, ray.eventCamera, out localPos );
                // local pos is the mouse position.
                yield return 0;
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning( "Could not find GraphicRaycaster and/or StandaloneInputModule" );      



posted @ 2020-01-18 11:18  zhoushiya  阅读(1889)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报