Glitch free safe clock switching

Glitch free safe clock switching 


Safe and Glitch free clock switching
Digital circuits are often running in different clock domains. In many circumstances the clock of these circuits need to be switched while the logic (circuit) is running. The clock switching can be done in analog circuit or in digital circuit. The Implementations in this page give details of clock switching digitally. The simplest way of clock switching can be done with simple multiplexers.
Simple clock switch
Two clocks are multiplexed and selected by a signal which is generated from the internal logic. The following circuit shows the clock switching using a multiplexer. Above circuit can be described in Verilog as follows.

Clock Switch with simple Mux
Clock Switch with simple Mux

In the above circuit when select is ‘1’ clk_b forwarded to the output and when select is ‘0’ clk_b forwarded to the output. The switching of these clock are combination to the select signal that is selects signals immediately (on-the-fly) switches the clock with out respect of the state of the both clocks. This is not safe some time, like the following simulation of the above circuit.
Simulation Outpu with Simple Mux (Note the Glitch)
Simulation Output with Simple Mux (Note the Glitch)

The simulation output shows a Glitch on the clock path. It is due to the ‘select’ signal goes up just before the clk_b is going down. These glitches are very hazardous for any circuits. If the width of the glitch is too small they are sensed by some flip-flops and some will not. Due to this problem the output of the complete circuit is undetermined. These glitches are also leads into Metastability problems. Since glitches are very short pulses it may violate the setup and hold time of the flip-flops and output of these flip-flops are in quasi state (outputs are not determined as ‘1’ or ‘0’). Verilog realization of proceeded circuit follows.


 1`timescale 1ns/10ps
 2module clk_switch (
 3  // Outputs
 4    out_clk,   
 5  // Inputs  
 6    clk_a,
 7    clk_b,
 8    select    );  
 9   input clk_a;  
10   input clk_b;  
11   input select;  
12   output out_clk; 
13   reg out_clk;
14   always @ (select or clk_a or clk_b)
15   begin   
16       if select == 1
17          out_clk <= clk_a;   
18       else      
19          out_clk <= clk_b;
20       end

 Glitch free safe clock switch implementation

The logic is little complex than the simple clock switch, the clock switching will not happen immediately after switching the select signal. This circuit allows both clock settle down and switches the new clock to the circuit. It eliminates glitch or spikes in the clock signal. The safe clock switch circuit is implemented as in the following diagram.

Safe Clock switch circuit
Safe Clock switch circuit

Following figure shows the simulation of glitch free safe clock switch. For both implementations same test bench is used. Code for the test bench is available at end of the article.

Above circuit works well with related and unrelated clock. Related clocks means both clocks come from the same clock source (they are in phase) un-related clocks (they are not in the phase) are not come from the same clock source.
In this implementation the select signal registered it makes sure that the there will not be any change in the output while both clocks are high. First stage flip-flops remove the meta-stability problem. Verilog implementation for glitch free clock switch.


 1`timescale 1ns/100ps
 2module clk_switch (
 3   // Outputs
 4   out_clk,
 5   // Inputs
 6   clk_a, clk_b, select
 7   );
 9   input clk_a;
10   input clk_b;
11   input select;
13   output out_clk;
14wire   out_clk;
16reg q1,q2,q3,q4;
17wire or_one, or_two,or_three,or_four;
19always @ (posedge clk_a)
21    if (clk_a == 1'b1)
22    begin
23       q1 <= q4;
24       q3 <= or_one;
25    end
28always @ (posedge clk_b)
30    if (clk_b == 1'b1)
31    begin
32        q2 <= q3;
33        q4 <= or_two;
34    end
37assign or_one   = (!q1) | (!select);
38assign or_two   = (!q2) | (select);
39assign or_three = (q3)  | (clk_a);
40assign or_four  = (q4)  | (clk_b);
42assign out_clk  = or_three & or_four;


 1`timescale 1ns/10ps
 3module tb_clk_switch;
 5   reg  clk_a;
 6   reg  clk_b;
 7   wire out_clk;
 9   reg select;
11   initial
12     begin
13        select <= 1'b0;
14        clk_a   <= 1'b1;
15        clk_b   <= 1'b1;
16        #87.2
17        select <= 1'b1;
18        #81.9
19        select <= 1'd0;
20        #50
21        $stop;
22     end
24   always #5.7   clk_a = ~clk_a;
25   always #2.5   clk_b = ~clk_b;
27clk_switch ins1 (
28   .clk_a(clk_b),
29   .clk_b(clk_a),
30   .select(select),
31   .out_clk(out_clk)
32   );




posted on 2009-11-17 13:42  Homography Matrix  阅读(3931)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
