[论文泛读] 论文泛读2篇

下午早些时候雷声大, 雨点大, 一阵响雷后实验室的电闸跳掉了. 重新开机后继续干活, 下载了一批论文, 打印了几篇, 要看的论文真的很多, 有些只能泛泛而读了.

[泛读1]Solving the Service Composition Puzzle(SCC, 2008)

Yuan-Chi Chang (IBM Watson Research Center), Pietro Mazzoleni, George A. Mihaila, David Cohn, "Solving the Service Composition Puzzle," scc, vol. 2, pp.387-394, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing Vol. 2, 2008
这篇是归纳性的论文, 总结了6种Service Composition patterns, 服务组合里讨论的一般都是"by Orchestration"模式, 其他几类的论文不多, 我都不记得自己看过相关的:

Composition Pattern Intermediary
on the Glass human
by Widgets fully/partially embedded as part of the UI
by Direct Invocation custom application
by Information Sharing shared persistent storage
by Orchestration orchestration engine
by Events pub/sub server


[泛读2] Objective function analysis for QoS-aware web service composition (ICEBE, 2006)

Z Tao, D CHEN, X ZHENG. Objective function analysis for QoS-aware web service composition. ICEBE, 2006 (4 pages)
讨论了一下QoS服务组合中objective function的类型, 并且在服务选择时考虑context信息(比如前面node选择一个WS后,会对后面node可选的WS造成影响).
内容比较大众化, 不深入, 没什么特别的东西.

posted @ 2009-08-22 16:05  玉泉老博  阅读(414)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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