Lesson 31-32 Personal Habits

一 Words

1 foible 小缺点,小癖好 e.g. You could do Ebay,or dating or indulge 纵容,沉溺于another foible of choice.你可以上eBay购物,或者约会,或者纵容另外一个弱点。

2 obnoxious 讨厌的 eg. My brother-in-law is an obnoxious know-it-all.我的姐夫是个讨人厌的自以为是万事通的家伙

3 on end 连续地,直立着 eg. He stormed at me for five minutes on end.他对我连续大发雷霆五分钟。

4 messy 凌乱的,麻烦的,肮脏的 eg. Negotiations would be messy and time-consuming.谈判既麻烦又耗时间

5 unsanitary 不卫生的 eg. Discharge of raw sewage into the sea is unsanitary or unsafe.把未经处理的污水排放到海里既不卫生也不安全

6 spendthrift 浪费的adj,挥霍者n eg. I had always been a kind of spendthrift.我这人向来都有点儿挥金如土

7 habitually 习惯地adv eg. Habitually obedient to John, I came up to his chair.我已经习惯于服从约翰,我来到他的椅子跟前。

8 junk 废旧物品n,丢弃v  junk food 垃圾食品

9 tightwad吝啬鬼n cheap小气的

10 snoring 打呼噜v  make any difference有影响

11 get rid of 除掉

12 character trait性格特征

13 resolution 决心eg. “I think I will try a hypnotist.”I said with sudden resolution.“我会找催眠师试试,”我突然坚决地说。

                 决议 eg. The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent.爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议

14 practical务实的,实用的;切实可行的 eg.This practical guidebook teaches you about relaxation, coping skills, and time management.这本实用的旅行指南教给你放松的方法、处理问题的技巧以及如何安排时间。

after all毕竟

15 detach分开vt eg. It helps them detach themselves from their problems and become more objective.这有助于他们从所面临的问题中跳出来,变得更客观一些。

16 nag 唠叨vt eg. The more Sarah nagged her, the more stubborn Cissie became.萨拉越对茜茜唠叨,茜茜越是固执

           困扰vi eg. He could be wrong about her.The feeling nagged at him.他可能冤枉她了,这种感觉让他备受折磨

17 dashing 时髦的,有风度的adj

    eg. He was the very model of the dashing RAF pilot.他正是风度翩翩的英国皇家空军飞行员的典范。

18 fall in love with 爱上v

19 flirtatious调情的,轻浮的 eg. His flirtatious manners are intended to attract.她的轻浮举止是想引人注意

20 genital 生殖的,生殖器

21 wig 假发n eg. He disguised himself with a wig and false beard.他用假发和假胡须来乔装。

22 cosmetic 化妆品n,美容的,装点门面的adj  eg. She's obviously had some sort of cosmetic surgery.她显然做过某种美容术

                                                              eg. These changes are purely cosmetic.这些改变纯粹是装饰门面。

23 camouflage 伪装,掩饰nv eg. They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles.他们身穿迷彩服,携带自动步枪

24 upbeat 积极乐观的 eg. The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far.国防部长对目前的战事给予了乐观的评价。

25 carry on继续,举行,喋喋不休 eg. The consulate will carry on a political dialogue with Indonesia.领事馆将和印度尼西亚举行政治对话

26 count on 指望,依靠  cheer(chin) up振作起来

eg. I can always count on you to cheer me up.你总能使我振作起来。

27 get in the way 挡道 eg. His cleverness seems to get in the way of his emotions.她好像聪明有余,激情不足

28 will power意志力 eg.No one can match your sheer will power and persistence in wearing down the opposition.在消磨反对派的意志方面,没有人能比得上你那惊人的意志力和不懈的坚持。

29 start up 开始,着手,恢复 eg. I did fine for about a week,but then I started up again.

30 characteristic 特性n,特有的,显著的adj eg. Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing.基因决定每个生物的特征

                          eg. Windmills are a characteristic feature of the Mailorcan landscape.风车是马略卡岛风光的一大特色

31 defect 缺点n,叛逃v eg. He was born with a hearing defect.他患有先天性听力缺损。

                                   eg. He tried to defect to the West last year.去年他试图叛逃到西方。

32 conceit自负,比喻n eg. He knew,without conceited,he was considered a genius.不是他自命不凡,他知道大家认为他是个天才。

33 sneak up 悄悄来临 eg. Sometimes,our expectations sneak up on us unawares.有些时候,我们期待的事情会不期而至

posted on 2014-07-30 07:30  追梦的小屁孩  阅读(283)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报