OVERVIEW  course explores the development opportunities available with SharePoint Onpremises using either SharePoint Server 2016 and SharePoint Server 2013. Students will learn about the tradeoffs of developing SharePoint full trust solutions versus SharePoint add-ins (aka SharePoint apps). This course teaches students how to develop SharePoint-hosted add-ins using JavaScript, jQuery and the Angular-JS framework and also teaches students how to develop provider-hosted SharePoint add-ins using server-side C# and the ASP.NET MVC framework. The course also reinforces recognized best practices within the world-wide SharePoint developer community such as using JavaScript Injection and Remote Provisioning.

The course provides students with a wealth of hands-on lab exercises using Visual Studio 2015 to reinforce the concepts and techniques discussed during lectures. Students may choose to work through lab exercises using either SharePoint Server 2016 or SharePoint Server 2013. Students will also learn the low level details of how security and authentication work when developing and deploying provider-hosted add-ins within a private local area network. Along the way, students will learn how to use important Microsoft frameworks such as the Entity Framework for creating custom databases and Web API 2 for creating custom web services. The last two days of this class examine essential SharePoint Server service applications which provide additional development opportunities working with Business Connectivity Services, the Secure Store Service, the SharePoint Search service, the Managed Metadata Service and SharePoint Workflow. Audience and Prerequisites: It Professional Developers with experience with Visual Studio, JavaScript, C#, the .NET Framework and ASP.NET.SharePoint.

SharePoint 2016 provides a choice of two different workflow architectures. This module examines both types of Workflow and discusses how the new style of workflow relies on Workflow Manager. In this module students will learn how to create custom workflows using SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio 2015 as well as learn about some of the new capabilities in custom workflow development such as working with dynamic values, stages and remote web service calls.




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