1 # 一:编写函数,(函数执行的时间用time.sleep(n)模拟)
  2 import time
  3 def foo(x,y):
  4     time.sleep(2)
  5     print(x,y)
  6 # 二:编写装饰器,为函数加上统计时间的功能
  7 import time
  8 def timmer(func):
  9     def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
 10         start = time.time()
 11         res = func(*args,**kwargs)
 12         stop = time.time()
 13         print(stop - start)
 14         return res
 15     return wrapper
 16 @timmer
 17 def foo(x,y):
 18     time.sleep(2)
 19     print(x,y)
 21 foo(1,2)
 22 # 三:编写装饰器,为函数加上认证的功能
 23 def login(func):
 24     def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
 25         while True:
 26             username = input('请输入账号:').strip()
 27             userpwd = input('请输入密码:').strip()
 28             if username == 'yu' and userpwd != '123':
 29                 print('登陆成功')
 30                 res = func(*args,**kwargs)
 31                 return res
 32             else:
 33                 print('账号错误请重新输入')
 34                 continue
 35     return wrapper
 36 @login
 37 def foo(x,y):
 38     time.sleep(2)
 39     print(x,y)
 40 foo(1,2)
 41 # 四:编写装饰器,为多个函数加上认证的功能(用户的账号密码来源于文件),要求登录成功一次,后续的函数都无需再输入用户名和密码
 42 # 注意:从文件中读出字符串形式的字典,可以用eval('{"name":"egon","password":"123"}')转成字典格式
 43 flag = False
 44 def login(func):
 45     def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
 46         global flag
 47         if not flag:
 48             with open('account', mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
 49                 data = f.readline()
 50                 dic = eval(data)
 51             while True:
 52                 username = input("username>>>: ").strip()
 53                 password = input("password>>>: ").strip()
 54                 if username == dic['name'] and dic['password'] == password:
 55                     flag = True  # 修改用户登录状态
 56                     print("登陆成功")
 57                     res = func(*args,**kwargs)  # 执行传入的函数
 58                     return res
 59                 else:
 60                     print('账号密码不匹配')
 61                     continue
 62         else:
 63             print('已通过验证')
 64             func(*args,**kwargs)
 65     return wrapper
 66 @login
 67 def foo():
 68     print('hallo world')
 69 @login
 70 def fun(x,y,z):
 71     print(x+y+z)
 72 foo()
 73 fun(1,2,3)
 74 # 五:编写装饰器,为多个函数加上认证功能,要求登录成功一次,在超时时间内无需重复登录,超过了超时时间,则必须重新登录
 75 import time,datetime
 76 user = {'user':None,'start_time':None,'login_time':1}
 77 def login(func):
 78     def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
 79         if user['user']:
 80             time1 = (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) - user['start_time']).seconds
 81             if time1 < int(user['login_time']):
 82                 return func(*args, **kwargs)
 83             else:
 84                 print("登录时间过长,请重新登录!")
 85         with open('account', mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
 86             data = f.readline()
 87             dic = eval(data)
 88         while True:
 89             username = input("username>>>: ").strip()
 90             password = input("password>>>: ").strip()
 92             if username == dic['name'] and dic['password'] == password:
 93                 print("登陆成功")
 94                 user['user'] = username
 95                 user['start_time'] = datetime.datetime.now()
 96                 res = func(*args,**kwargs)  # 执行传入的函数
 97                 return res
 98             else:
 99                 print('账号密码不匹配')
100                 continue
101     return wrapper
102 @login
103 def foo():
104     print('hallo world')
105 @login
106 def fun(x,y,z):
107     time.sleep(2)
108     print(x+y+z)
109 @login
110 def func(x,y,z):
111     time.sleep(6)
112     print(x+y+z)
113 foo()
114 fun(1,2,3)
115 func(1,2,3)