
题目:请实现ComplexListNode* Clone(ComplexListNode* pHead),复制一个复杂链表。在复杂链表中,每个结点除了有一个m_pNext指针指向下一个结点外,还有一个m_pSibing指向链表中的任意结点或者null。
struct ComplexListNode{
      int      m_nValue;
      ComplexListNode*     m_pNext;
      ComplexListNode*     m_pSibling;


package com.yyq;
 * Created by Administrator on 2015/9/20.
public class CopyComplexList {
    public static void cloneNodes(ComplexListNode pHead){
        ComplexListNode pNode = pHead;
        while(pNode != null){
            ComplexListNode pCloned = new ComplexListNode();
            pNode = pCloned.getM_pNext();
    public static void connectSiblingNodes(ComplexListNode pHead){
        ComplexListNode pNode = pHead;
        while (pNode != null){
            ComplexListNode pCloned = pNode.getM_pNext();
            if (pNode.getM_pSibling() != null){
            pNode = pCloned.getM_pNext();
    public static ComplexListNode reconnectNodes(ComplexListNode pHead){
        ComplexListNode pNode = pHead;
        ComplexListNode pClonedHead = null;
        ComplexListNode pClonedNode = null;
        if (pNode != null){
            pClonedHead = pNode.getM_pNext();
            pClonedNode = pNode.getM_pNext();
            pNode = pNode.getM_pNext();
        while(pNode != null){
            pClonedNode = pClonedNode.getM_pNext();
            pNode = pNode.getM_pNext();
        return pClonedHead;
    public static ComplexListNode clone(ComplexListNode pHead){
        return reconnectNodes(pHead);
    // ====================测试代码====================
    public static void Test(String testName, ComplexListNode pHead)
        if(testName != null)
            System.out.println(testName + " begins:");
        System.out.println("The original list is:");
        ComplexListNode pNode = new ComplexListNode();
        ComplexListNode pClonedHead = clone(pHead);
        System.out.println("The cloned list is:");
    //      -----------------
//         \|/              |
//  1-------2-------3-------4-------5
//  |       |      /|\             /|\
//  --------+--------               |
//          -------------------------
    public static void Test1()
        ComplexListNode pNode1 = new ComplexListNode(1);
        ComplexListNode pNode2 = new ComplexListNode(2);
        ComplexListNode pNode3 = new ComplexListNode(3);
        ComplexListNode pNode4 = new ComplexListNode(4);
        ComplexListNode pNode5 = new ComplexListNode(5);
        pNode1.buildNodes(pNode2, pNode3);
        pNode2.buildNodes(pNode3, pNode5);
        pNode3.buildNodes(pNode4, null);
        pNode4.buildNodes(pNode5, pNode2);
        Test("Test1", pNode1);
    // m_pSibling指向结点自身
//          -----------------
//         \|/              |
//  1-------2-------3-------4-------5
//         |       | /|\           /|\
//         |       | --             |
//         |------------------------|
    public static void Test2()
        ComplexListNode pNode1 = new ComplexListNode(1);
        ComplexListNode pNode2 = new ComplexListNode(2);
        ComplexListNode pNode3 = new ComplexListNode(3);
        ComplexListNode pNode4 = new ComplexListNode(4);
        ComplexListNode pNode5 = new ComplexListNode(5);
        pNode1.buildNodes(pNode2, null);
        pNode2.buildNodes(pNode3, pNode5);
        pNode3.buildNodes(pNode4, pNode3);
        pNode4.buildNodes(pNode5, pNode2);
        Test("Test2", pNode1);
    // m_pSibling形成环
//          -----------------
//         \|/              |
//  1-------2-------3-------4-------5
//          |              /|\
//          |               |
//          |---------------|
    public static void Test3()
        ComplexListNode pNode1 = new ComplexListNode(1);
        ComplexListNode pNode2 = new ComplexListNode(2);
        ComplexListNode pNode3 = new ComplexListNode(3);
        ComplexListNode pNode4 = new ComplexListNode(4);
        ComplexListNode pNode5 = new ComplexListNode(5);
        pNode1.buildNodes(pNode2, null);
        pNode2.buildNodes(pNode3, pNode4);
        pNode3.buildNodes(pNode4, null);
        pNode4.buildNodes(pNode5, pNode2);
        Test("Test3", pNode1);
    // 只有一个结点
    public static void Test4()
        ComplexListNode pNode1 = new ComplexListNode(1);
        pNode1.buildNodes(null, pNode1);
        Test("Test4", pNode1);
    // 鲁棒性测试
    public static void Test5()
        Test("Test5", null);
    public static void main(String[] args)
Test1 begins:
The original list is:
The value of this node is: 1
The value of its sibling is: 3
The value of this node is: 2
The value of its sibling is: 5
The value of this node is: 3
This node does not have a sibling.
The value of this node is: 4
The value of its sibling is: 2
The value of this node is: 5
This node does not have a sibling.
The cloned list is:
The value of this node is: 1
The value of its sibling is: 3
The value of this node is: 2
The value of its sibling is: 5
The value of this node is: 3
This node does not have a sibling.
The value of this node is: 4
The value of its sibling is: 2
The value of this node is: 5
This node does not have a sibling.
Test2 begins:
The original list is:
The value of this node is: 1
This node does not have a sibling.
The value of this node is: 2
The value of its sibling is: 5
The value of this node is: 3
The value of its sibling is: 3
The value of this node is: 4
The value of its sibling is: 2
The value of this node is: 5
This node does not have a sibling.
The cloned list is:
The value of this node is: 1
This node does not have a sibling.
The value of this node is: 2
The value of its sibling is: 5
The value of this node is: 3
The value of its sibling is: 3
The value of this node is: 4
The value of its sibling is: 2
The value of this node is: 5
This node does not have a sibling.
Test3 begins:
The original list is:
The value of this node is: 1
This node does not have a sibling.
The value of this node is: 2
The value of its sibling is: 4
The value of this node is: 3
This node does not have a sibling.
The value of this node is: 4
The value of its sibling is: 2
The value of this node is: 5
This node does not have a sibling.
The cloned list is:
The value of this node is: 1
This node does not have a sibling.
The value of this node is: 2
The value of its sibling is: 4
The value of this node is: 3
This node does not have a sibling.
The value of this node is: 4
The value of its sibling is: 2
The value of this node is: 5
This node does not have a sibling.
Test4 begins:
The original list is:
The value of this node is: 1
The value of its sibling is: 1
The cloned list is:
The value of this node is: 1
The value of its sibling is: 1
Test5 begins:
The original list is:
The cloned list is:
posted @ 2015-11-09 11:40  我是一名老菜鸟  阅读(292)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报