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FreeWriting18_Be Safe Is Most Important

Posted on 2008-06-09 23:02  路缘  阅读(243)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
Tonight, I am surfing on line just as usual and reading the headlines. I was inclined to find some news about NBA final match of Today. Because I like the basketball star-Kobe, although I am not a fan of him. As a result, related reports are little(May be I am not good at finding sports news), but I found some disasters have happened in last two days. First, An earthquake happened in Greece, and in 12 hours before June eighth, nearly about 20 little earthquakes have happened in America; And second, during the Duanwu vacation, some people fell into the water when watching Dragon boat  and about 11persons have dead.

From the things talked above, To be safe is the most important thing I think. Although, I haven't experience  these disasters except May 12 Wenchuan earthquake. Chengdu isn't the heavy disaster zone, so I am safe, my families are safe. Thank God. It's you for giving me another chance to seat in front of display to say something like these. Thank you. So I will do my best to be a good man and then help others. I try to image the tribulation happened on others . Yes, so hard time was passed through, Is there any trouble could stop us to move forward? Of course NO. We should cherish the life and time than ever been in the past.

I do not expect some very lucky things happened on me, I just hope the ones I love and the ones love me could  be safe.