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Freewriting17_What I live for

Posted on 2008-06-08 22:30  路缘  阅读(291)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

        It's about 25 years since I came to the world.  Everythings goes usually, just like the old days. There is a strong sound comes out of the heart. What I live for?  I have to think over the question profoundly.
       I don't know the answer for the others. But in my eyes, true love is the only answer, a answer would never change with the time pass by. Maybe someone would say, "Without bread, where is the love?". But in response, "If the money is your ultimate goal, and so you reach final end point? is that all you want?". It's unbelievable that you would answer "yes". and in that case, I must say, you are not a honest guy.
       Let's come to the key point. Why love is the only thing I have seek for? Is the money not important? Absolutely no, money is important, I'm also do a lot of hard work to try to earn more money. But it isn't the target. It serve for my goal-love, it would be used to help the people I am loving to live a comfortable life. Maybe to this point, you would say, I am deceptive, what you meaned is all the same. I never lie to you, I hope you understand, to take the money as the goal or as the tool, there is a huge gap between them. Please during the process of earning money, please do not became a blind, there is a lot of beautiful things beside us. especially the love is the most.
      I can't image that how the life would like if without love in the world? Blue sky would turn to gray. White days would instead of nights. And the life is also nonsense to me any more. So in possesstion of true love form others, only one, is very luxurious.