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Posted on 2009-09-05 09:27  Sunny Xu  阅读(1352)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

挂载用命令mount就可以了,但是在指定要挂载的文件系统类型时总是出现"wrong fs type”错误。使用帮助文档也没解决(有点看不懂,应该提高一下啦)。隐约记得以前师兄提过用smbfs,尝试了一下,问题解决了。
1.sudo apt-get update(系统更新。更新之前一直装不上smbfs)。
2.sudo apt-get install smbfs
3.mount -t smbfs -o iocharset=utf8,username=name,password=password,rw //ip/file 挂载点(挂载。替换相应字段即可)


Definition: smbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels )= than 2.2.x) Smbfs is a filesystem which understands the SMB protocol. This is the protocol Windows for Workgroups, Windows NT or LAN Manager use to talk to each other. It was inspired by samba, the program by Andrew Tridgell that turns any unix site into a file server for DOS or Windows clients. If you want to use command-line utilities like smbclient, smbtar and/or smbspool just need to install the smbclient package. Starting with the Debian Samba packages version 2.2.0-1, the old smbfs utilities for 2.0.x have been removed. There are no wrapper scripts that call a specific smbmount/ smbumount depending on the kernel version. If you are using a 2.0.x kernel please upgrade or use the latest Samba 2.0.7 Debian package.