SQL Constraint/Index

1、SQL Constraint

Integrity Constraints are used to apply business rules for the database tables.

The constraints available in SQL are Foreign Key, Not Null, Unique, Check.

Constraints can be defined in two ways

  1. The constraints can be specified immediately after the column definition. This is called column-level definition.
  2. The constraints can be specified after all the columns are defined. This is called table-level definition.

2、SQL Index

Index in sql is created on existing tables to retrieve the rows quickly.

When there are thousands of records in a table, retrieving information will take a long time. Therefore indexes are created on columns which are accessed frequently, so that the information can be retrieved quickly. Indexes can be created on a single column or a group of columns. When a index is created, it first sorts the data and then it assigns a ROWID for each row.

Syntax to create Index:

CREATE INDEX index_name
ON table_name (column_name1,column_name2...);

posted @ 2016-10-06 16:58  xiulug  阅读(225)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报