python 线程池

 1 #coding:utf8
 2 from threading import Thread,Lock
 3 from Queue import Queue,Empty
 5 class Worker(Thread):
 6     def __init__(self,threadPool):
 7         Thread.__init__(self)
 8         self.threadPool = threadPool
 9         self.daemon = True
10         self.state = None
11         self.start()    #启动线程
13     def stop(self):
14         self.state = 'STOP'
16     def run(self):
17         while True:
18             if self.state == 'STOP':
19                 break
20             #获取队列任务
21             try:
22                 func,args,kargs = self.threadPool.getTask(timeout = 1)
23             except Empty:
24                 continue
25             #保存结果
26             #try:
27             result = func(*args,**kargs)
28             if result:
29                 self.threadPool.putTaskResult(result)#存储到结果队列
30             self.threadPool.taskDone()
31             #except:
32             #   print 'error'
34 class ThreadPool(object):
35     def __init__(self,threadNum):
36         self.pool = [] #线程池
37         self.threadNum = threadNum #线程数
38         self.lock = Lock()#线程锁
39         self.taskQueue = Queue()#任务队列
40         self.resultQueue = Queue()#结果队列
42     def startThreads(self):#开启threadNum个线程
43         for i in range(self.threadNum):
44             self.pool.append(Worker(self))
46     def stopThreads(self):
47         for thread in self.pool:
48             thread.stop()
49             thread.join()
50         del self.pool[:]
52     def putTask(self,func,*args,**kargs):#放入任务队列
53         self.taskQueue.put((func,args,kargs))
55     def getTask(self,*args,**kargs):
56         task = self.taskQueue.get(*args,**kargs)
57         return task
59     def taskJoin(self, *args, **kargs):
60         self.taskQueue.join()
62     def taskDone(self, *args, **kargs):
63         self.taskQueue.task_done()
65     def putTaskResult(self, *args):
66         self.resultQueue.put(args)
68     def getTaskResult(self, *args, **kargs):
69         return self.resultQueue.get(*args, **kargs) 



  1 import urllib2
  2 import re
  3 from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
  4 from lxml import etree
  5 import urlparse
  6 import time
  7 from threadPool import ThreadPool
  9 allUrls = set()
 10 allMails = set()
 11 urlsDownlist = []
 13 class mailCrawler:
 14     def __init__(self,mailExpression,start_url,maxcount,threadNum):   
 15         ''' mailExpressoin 邮箱的正则表达式;
 16         start_url开始邮箱;
 17         maxcount最大数量'''
 18         self.mailpattern = re.compile(mailExpression)
 19         self.maxcount = maxcount
 20         self.htmlcount = 0
 21         self.UrlsQlist = []#url queue 实现广度优先
 22         self.url = start_url
 23         self.threadPool = ThreadPool(threadNum)
 26     def url_normal(self,url):
 27         '''url 规范化 '''
 28         scheme,netloc,path,query = urlparse.urlsplit(url)[:4]
 29         netloc = netloc.lower()
 31         url.encode("utf-8")
 33         if path:
 34             path = re.sub('/{2,}','/',path)#去除url中的重复/
 35             path = re.sub(r'\.$','',path)#去除url中结尾多余的点
 36             path = re.sub('/$','',path)#去除url中结尾多余的/
 37             path = re.sub('\s','',path)#取出url中的空格
 38         if query:
 39             return '%s://%s%s?%s' % (scheme,netloc,path or '/',query)
 40         else:
 41             return '%s://%s%s' % (scheme,netloc,path)
 43     def geturls(self,data):
 44         '''解析html中的url'''
 45         urls = set()
 46         if data:  
 47             d = pq(data)
 48             label_a = d.find('a')#用pyquery库去找到 a 标签.
 49             if label_a:
 50                 label_a_href = d('a').map(lambda i,e:pq(e)('a').attr('href'))
 51                 for u in label_a_href:
 52                     if u[0:10]!="javascript" and u[0:6]!="mailto" :  
 53                         if u[0:4] == "http":
 54                             normal_url = self.url_normal(u)
 55                             urls.add(normal_url)
 56                         else:
 57                             normal_url = self.url_normal(self.url + u)
 58                             urls.add(normal_url)              
 59             return urls
 60         else:
 61             return None
 63     def gethtml(self,url):
 64         '''下载html  5s超时'''
 65         try:
 66             fp = urllib2.urlopen(url,None,5)
 67         except:
 68             print "urllib2.urlopen error  or timeout"
 69             return None
 70         else:
 71             try:
 72                 mybytes
 73             except:
 74                 print " error"
 75                 return None
 76             else:             
 77                 fp.close()
 78                 return mybytes
 80     def savehtmlAndmails(self,pagecontent,htmlcount,url):
 81         '''保存html文件 '''
 82         global allMails
 83         if pagecontent != None:
 84             f = open("E:/py/crawler/html/"+str(htmlcount)+".html","w")
 85             f.write(pagecontent)
 86             f.close()
 87             '''将抓取到的url存放到 allmails中 ,set去重复'''
 88             mailResult = self.mailpattern.findall(pagecontent)
 89             mailResultset = set(mailResult)
 90             if mailResultset:
 91                 allMails.update(mailResultset)
 92         else:
 93             f = open("E:/py/crawler/html/"+str(htmlcount)+"error"+".html","w")
 94             try:
 95                 f.write(url)
 96             except:
 97                 f.write("encode error")
 98             f.close()
100     def BFS(self):
101         '''用队列实现广度优先,爬取url '''
102         global allUrls
103         global urlsDownlist
104         self.threadPool.startThreads()#开始多线程
105         allUrls.add(self.url)
106         self.UrlsQlist = list(allUrls)
107         while self.htmlcount < self.maxcount : #数量小于最大值
108             tempUrl = self.UrlsQlist.pop(0)# the queue
109             print tempUrl
110             urlsDownlist.append(tempUrl)
111             myWebStr = self.gethtml(tempUrl)
112             #self.savehtml(myWebStr,self.htmlcount,tempUrl)
113             #self.savemails(myWebStr)
114             self.threadPool.putTask(self.savehtmlAndmails,myWebStr,self.htmlcount,tempUrl)
115             firstUrls_set = self.geturls(myWebStr)#初始页面的处理
116             if firstUrls_set != None:
117                 for u in firstUrls_set:
118                     if u not in allUrls:
119                         allUrls.add(u)
120                         self.UrlsQlist.append(u)       
121             self.htmlcount = self.htmlcount + 1
122         self.threadPool.stopThreads()#结束多线程   
124 def main():
125     reg = r'[A-Za-z0-9_]+@(?:[A-Za-z0-9]+\.)+[A-Za-z]+'
126     url = ""
127     count = 100
128     threadNum = 10
129     fmails = open("E:/py/crawler/mailresult.txt","a")
130     furls = open("E:/py/crawler/urlresult.txt","a")
131     fdownUrls = open("E:/py/crawler/urlDownresult.txt","a")
132     newcrawler = mailCrawler(reg,url,count,threadNum)
133     newcrawler.BFS()
134     for u in allMails:
135         try:
136             fmails.write(u)
137             fmails.write('\n')
138         except:
139             continue
140     for u in allUrls:
141         try:
142             furls.write(u)
143             furls.write('\n')
144         except:
145             continue
146     for u in urlsDownlist:
147         try:
148             fdownUrls.write(u)
149             fdownUrls.write('\n')
150         except:
151             continue
152     fmails.close()
153     furls.close()
154     fdownUrls.close()
156 if __name__ == '__main__':
157     main()
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不知道 从何处下手了。。。

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