
How to enable download EXE files from the Sharepoint website

2013-09-21 12:49  左眼微笑右眼泪  阅读(336)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

      As we all know,many applications have forbidden to upload and download exe files.Because the exe files is an excute file,it can excute itself.many virus are exe files.If we allow to upload exe files in the servers,it may cause the safe question.But now our website is in the intranet,it demands to download file from the website.

      We have develop the download function,but it does’t take effect.When we click download ,it direct to the 404 page.Then we searched the internet and last found that because the IIS have forbidden this function.

       If we really want the function,we can change the IIS settings.First open the IIS,select the website,in this example we select Sharepoint80,and the click the Handler Mappings.


     And then click the “Edit Feature Permissions” in the right pannel;


      It will show a dialouge:


      You can see the item “Read” and “Script” is Checked,The item “Execute” does’t checked.Check the “Execute” and click Ok.

When this completed,restart the IIS,you can use the command “IISReset” in the command line.

      Then you will find that we can download exe files from the website.