
 var currentRoleName = response.data[0].currentRoleNameRecord;
                        var currentValue = currentRoleName[0].roleName; 
                        var currentUuid = currentRoleName[0].uuid;
                          // 获取当前登录用户uuid
        String userUuid = ctl.getCurrentUser().getStr(BlConstant.FIELD_USER_ID);
        String  currentSql = "SELECT b.uuid ,b.role_name  FROM sys_user_role a , sys_role b  WHERE a.role_uuid = b.uuid and  user_uuid = ? AND a.sys_status = 1 and  b.sys_status = 1";
        List <Record> currentRoleNameRecord = Db.find(currentSql, userUuid);
        List <Record> currentRoleNameList = new ArrayList <Record>();
        for (Record currentRole : currentRoleNameRecord){
           if (currentRole.getStr("roleName").contains("单证")){
                recordData.put("currentRoleNameRecord", currentRoleNameList);

        String suppliersName = ctl.getPara("suppliersName");
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(suppliersName)) {
            String re = "[\u4e00-\u9fa5]";
            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(re);
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(suppliersName);
            if (matcher.find()) {
                from += " AND a.user_name like ? ";
                paras.add("%" + suppliersName + "%");
            } else {
                from += " AND a.user_id like ? ";
                paras.add("%" + suppliersName + "%");
            // { //序号
                        //     "data" : null,
                        //     "bSortable" : false,
                        //     "targets" : [ 1 ],
                        //     "orderable" : false,
                        //     // "visible" : false,
                        //     "class" : "am-text-center",
                        //     "render" : function(data, type, row, meta) {
                        //         // 显示行号
                        //         var startIndex = meta.settings._iDisplayStart;
                        //         return startIndex + meta.row + 1;
                        //     }
                        // }
                        // ,
                            <!--<th class="" style="text-align: center;" tabindex="0"-->
                        <!--aria-controls="bizDocumentUserInfo_admin_dt" rowspan="1"-->
                        <!--colspan="1" aria-label="组名: 以升序排列此列">序号</th>-->


posted on 2019-05-30 17:34  小白菜好吃  阅读(174)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
