How to cope with middle age - The firm has outgrown its uninhibited corporate culture. It is time to learn from its elders


To grow too large for sth.



uninhibited adj.

elder adj./n.

grill v./n.

fret v.

restrain v.

profitable adj.


haul v.

the onset of sth.

  • The moment at which sth. unpleasant begins

agility n.

forge v.

dramatic adj.

go public 上市

conventional adj.

perk n.

wrinkle n./v.

age vi.

mature v./adj.

ever more entwined

run up against

  • To experience unexcepted difficulty

monopoly n.

unearth v.

drone n.

muscle in 硬挤进去

  • To force your way into a situation although you're not wanted

turf n.

rival n.

fuzzy adj.

freewheeling adj.

ethos n.

liability n.

like-minded 志同道合的

suqabble n./v.

cafeteria n.


  • A person or oragnization that works to prevent illegal arranfements between companies


pore v.

scrutiny n.

wane v.

wax and wane

silo n.

pull off 实现

litter n./v.



give it a go 试一试

a dose of


conglomerate n.

archetype n.

heyday n.

disguise v.

lean on

rely on

woe n.

peril n./v.

subsidise v.

spin off

sop n.

hollow out

whittle down 削减


glorified adj.

hubris n.

in the wilderness

portable adj.

mint money

gadget n.

sap v.