The Jaisalmer Desert Festival 2017/2/9


India's Golden City celebrates its culture with costumes(服装),crafts(工艺品) and camels

One of the festival's most popular events is the Mr.Desert competition,where judges assess contestants(竞赛者)' mustaches,which are seen as a sign of honor.Visitors to the festival are allowed to take pictures with the winners and sometimes even judge the contest.Another traditional sign of honor is the turban,so the festival also includes turban-tying demonstrations,which present turban-tying as an art as it can be done several ways.

Of course,no festival is complete without food and shopping,and the Jaisalmer Desert Festival has plenty of both.Local dishes are avilable for hungry guests to enjoy.

Craftmen from around the region bring their wares,including everything from skirts to rugs(地毯) to camel ornaments(装饰品).If all the activity in the festival becomes too much for people,they can go and explore the ancient walled city of Jaisalmer.Dating back to the 12th century,the city is dotted with old sandstone building,some of which are covered with intricate carvings.

The desert around Jaisalmer blossoms with(变得漂亮,兴旺) a flourishing(繁荣的) culture building including music,art and even dancing camels.



assess 评估

In this school,the teachers are assessed by their students each semester(学期).

It's difficult to assess the cost of the damage caused by the hurricane.


turban 包头巾

Turbans in different colors and styles are sold in this market.

The turban must be tied firmly around the head so it won't fall.


ware 商品,作品

The company started to sell their wares overseas recently.

Mom got most of her kitchenware from flea market.


intricate 错综复杂的

The intricate details of the wedding gown caught my eye.

Many tourists were confused by the city's intricate subway system.


mustach 最上面的胡子



posted @ 2017-02-09 16:54  HepburnXiao  阅读(248)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报