Data Leakage in Machine Learning 机器学习训练中的数据泄漏

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There are two main types of leakage: Leaky Predictors and a Leaky Validation Strategies.

Leaky Predictors

This occurs when your predictors include data that will not be available at the time you make predictions.



Leaky Validation Strategies

在模型处理过程中,让Validation Data影响到了模型的参数。

For example, this happens if you run preprocessing (like fitting the Imputer for missing values) before calling train_test_split.

例如,当你在调用train_test_split之前,对数据进行了预处理(如Imputer),而预处理所用数据包含了spit之后的validation data。

posted @ 2018-12-15 21:23  xbit  阅读(1278)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报