To Search Data in Multiple Columns using 'IN' Clause

Using the Code

  1. Create a table with some dummy records to  show the demonstration:
    create table tbl_test
    (id int identity(1,1),
    column1 nvarchar(50),
    coulmn2 nvarchar(50),
    coulmn3 nvarchar(50))-- Create a table 
    insert into tbl_Test (column1,coulmn2,coulmn3) values
    ('King','Fisher','Griff')--Inserting some Dummy Records
  2. Now, I'm going to search the value where the data is 'Griff'. In the above table, there are 3 rows that contain 'Griff'.
    select *from tbl_test where 'Griff' IN (column1,coulmn2,coulmn3)
  3. By executing the above query, we will get the resultset like below:
    id   column1    coulmn2    coulmn3
    1    Griff      Serjey    Maciej
    3    Paul       Griff     Serjey
    4    King       Richard   Griff

The query will check all the mentioned columns where the input data is available by using the simple 'IN' clause.

posted @ 2015-11-18 18:28  wupd2014  阅读(110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报