         * 保证金退款查询:包括招标方和投标方。通过status状态来区分,具体如下
         * 招标使用表中的status(2、4、10、11) ,投标使用自定义的status(-1、-3、-5)
        String sql = "select t.id,t.projectId ,t.manageCompanyId ,t.tenderCautionMoney, t.tenderName,t.status "
                + "from tender_document t  where (t.isRemove =1 or t.isRemove is null) and (t.isReturn is null or t.isReturn = 0) and t.tenderCautionMoney > 0 and t.`status` in (2,4,11) "
                + " union all select t.id,t.projectId ,t.manageCompanyId ,t.tenderCautionMoney ,t.tenderName,t.status  from "
                + "tender_document t  where (t.isRemove =1 or t.isRemove is null) and (t.isReturn is null or t.isReturn = 0) "
                + "and t.tenderCautionMoney > 0 and t.`status` = 10  and NOT EXISTS (select d.id from tender_bid_document d where d.tenderId = t.id and d.signState !=1) "
                + "union all select t.id,d.id as projectId ,d.companyId manageCompanyId ,t.bidCautionMoney tenderCautionMoney,t.tenderName,-1 as status "
                + "from tender_document t ,tender_bid_document d where t.id = d.tenderId and (t.isRemove =1 or t.isRemove is null) and (d.isReturn is null or d.isReturn = 0) "
                + "and t.bidCautionMoney > 0 and  t.status = 11 and (select count(*) from tender_bid_document d where d.tenderId = t.id and d.status = 2) = 0 "
                + "union all select t.id,d.id as projectId ,d.companyId manageCompanyId ,t.bidCautionMoney tenderCautionMoney,t.tenderName, "
                + " -3 as status  from tender_document t,tender_bid_document d  where t.id = d.tenderId and (t.isRemove =1 or t.isRemove is null)"
                + " and (d.isReturn is null or d.isReturn = 0) and t.bidCautionMoney > 0  and   t.endDate < NOW() and d.`status` =1 and "
                + "(select count(*) from tender_bid_document d where d.tenderId = t.id and d.status = 2) = 0 union all "
                + "select t.id,d.id as projectId ,d.companyId manageCompanyId ,t.bidCautionMoney tenderCautionMoney,t.tenderName, "
                + "-5 as status   from tender_document t,tender_bid_document d where  t.id = d.tenderId and (t.isRemove =1 or t.isRemove is null) "
                + "and (d.isReturn is null or d.isReturn = 0) and t.bidCautionMoney > 0 and  d.signState = 1 and "
                + "(select count(*) from tender_bid_document d where d.tenderId = t.id and d.status = 2) = 0 ";

        return find(sql);


posted on 2018-03-14 10:34  WWonder  阅读(156)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报