How do you do for your health of Site Office ?

    Good afternoon everyone, I'm so glad to join this English Hour again with you after my two weeks leave. I miss you all very much.

As we all know, it’s harmful when you take a long site in office. Now, I’d like to share you some methods to keep your health during your office work.

  1. (First), you can walk around during the after launch time. Then to gaze at the distant view and do some neck and eye exercise.
  2. (Second), you can drink more green tea to prevent for computer radiation.
  3. (Fourthly), you should keep a relax mood, don’t have too much pressure.
  4. (Third), do more exercise in weekend to lose your abdominal adipose tissue, especially girls.
  5. (What's more), you can wash your face as more as possible, or use the green tea to wash your face once a day in the morning if possible.
  6. (Besides), bring some green plants to your office to keep a fresh air.

    The information above I share to you are came from an interview to Daisy, a girl in Service Portal team. That's all. Thank you for listening and hope you got what you really want.  Thank you very much.

    In addition, I have some green tea. If you want to drink, just let me know and I will give you some.




Gaze:  a long fixed look.

Lose your abdominal adipose tissue: lose fat, keep slim.

Abdominal: [æb'dɑːmɪnl], the muscles of the abdomen.

Adipose: ['ædɪpoʊs], animal fat.

Tissue: ['tɪʃuː], mass of cells forming the body of an animal or a plant.

Radiation: [ˌreɪdi'eɪʃn], the radiating of heat, light.



posted @ 2013-06-26 17:01  Wolfe Yu  阅读(213)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报