1203. Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies

There are n items each belonging to zero or one of m groups where group[i] is the group that the i-th item belongs to and it's equal to -1 if the i-th item belongs to no group. The items and the groups are zero indexed. A group can have no item belonging to it.

Return a sorted list of the items such that:

  • The items that belong to the same group are next to each other in the sorted list.
  • There are some relations between these items where beforeItems[i] is a list containing all the items that should come before the i-th item in the sorted array (to the left of the i-th item).

Return any solution if there is more than one solution and return an empty list if there is no solution.


Example 1:

Input: n = 8, m = 2, group = [-1,-1,1,0,0,1,0,-1], beforeItems = [[],[6],[5],[6],[3,6],[],[],[]]
Output: [6,3,4,1,5,2,0,7]

Example 2:

Input: n = 8, m = 2, group = [-1,-1,1,0,0,1,0,-1], beforeItems = [[],[6],[5],[6],[3],[],[4],[]]
Output: []
Explanation: This is the same as example 1 except that 4 needs to be before 6 in the sorted list.



  • 1 <= m <= n <= 3*10^4
  • group.length == beforeItems.length == n
  • -1 <= group[i] <= m-1
  • 0 <= beforeItems[i].length <= n-1
  • 0 <= beforeItems[i][j] <= n-1
  • i != beforeItems[i][j]
  • beforeItems[i] does not contain duplicates elements.
class Solution {
    public int[] sortItems(int n, int m, int[] group, List<List<Integer>> beforeItems) {
        // 1.topology sort items
        // 2.topology sort group
        // 3.put sorted items to its group with output of 1 and 2
        // 4.iterate group inorder and add items in each group to the result array
        HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> gGraph = new HashMap();
        HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> iGraph = new HashMap();
        //put items belongs no group to its own group
        for(int i = 0; i < group.length; i++){
            if(group[i] == -1) group[i] = m++;
        int[] itemInDegree = new int[n];
        int[] groupInDegree = new int[m];
        //build item graph
        for(int to = 0; to < beforeItems.size(); to++){
            int toGroup = group[to];
            for(int from:beforeItems.get(to)){
                    iGraph.put(from, new ArrayList<Integer>());
        //build group graph
        for(int to = 0; to < group.length; to++){
            int toGroup = group[to];
            for(int from:beforeItems.get(to)){
                int fromGroup = group[from];
                if(!gGraph.containsKey(fromGroup)) gGraph.put(fromGroup, new ArrayList());
                if(fromGroup != toGroup){
        List<Integer> iList = tpSort(iGraph, itemInDegree, n);
        List<Integer> gList = tpSort(gGraph, groupInDegree, m);
        if(iList.size() == 0 || gList.size() == 0) return new int[0];
        //key:group; val:list of items in this group
        HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> groupedList = new HashMap();
        for(int item:iList){
            int grp = group[item];
            if(!groupedList.containsKey(grp)) groupedList.put(grp, new ArrayList());
        int i = 0;
        int[] ans = new int[n];
        for(int grp:gList){
            if(!groupedList.containsKey(grp)) continue;
            for(int item: groupedList.get(grp)){
                ans[i] = item;
        return ans;
    public List<Integer> tpSort(HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> graph, int[] inDegree, int count){
        List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList();
        Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList();
        for(int i = 0; i < inDegree.length; i++){
            if(inDegree[i] == 0) q.offer(i);
            int cur = q.poll();
            if(!graph.containsKey(cur)) continue;
            for(int next: graph.get(cur)){
                if(inDegree[next] == 0) q.offer(next);
        return count == ans.size()? ans: new ArrayList();


首先得抽象,理解题意,大概意思是有这么多item,item可能属于同一组也可能独立(-1),然后每个item可能有pre node也可能没有。



posted @ 2020-07-02 11:37  Schwifty  阅读(327)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报