Study Plan - The Thirty-Fourth Day

    My project need to implement instant messaging, it is a challenge that to finish this module only by myself. Because I do not know the protocol, if I need to implement the instant messageing, I must to learn this protocol and some standard about it. On another platform, such as on android platform, their use a open source frame, so their finished quickly. Luckly, I found a open source frame for windows phone platform from codeplex, so I check out it and to test. It is not have release version code yet, only have the bate version, so no one to promise this code's stability. The code is quite complex, and it have several projects, separate by different use. At the beginning I test all flow of it, and find the gtalk can execute normal, but use our xmpp server it is will not pass the authorized. Not finish and expect go on......

posted @ 2012-06-06 00:26  下一个自己  阅读(143)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报