翻译Browser Drawing一篇:Canvas/SVG/VML Drawing Roundup

这是在找browser drawing时找的一篇简单的文章,介绍了跨浏览器(cross-browser)绘图方法,主要说到了几种常用的javascript API及其应用.

Its been a couple months since I released RichDraw. At the time I was looking around at the state of browser-based drawing and diagraming tools. Most were Java or ActiveX based. Now, I am finding lots of pure Javascript API’s and tools.

汉文大意:作者寻找browser-based drawing浏览器绘画与绘图工具.大多数都是基于java或activeX插件的,也就是通用性或跨浏览器性不好.于是,作者找了几种纯的实现浏览器drawing的基于javascript的API与工具,下面便是对其说明:

There also seems to be more of a push to create API’s, making it easier to create cross-browser applications. Each browser seems to support a slightly different technology. Even when they overlap, browser implementations are not always interoperable. Javascript wrappers are a big help.


Here are some Javascript libraries focused on cross-browser drawing:

下面便是列举的几个javascript API与工具:

Here are some neat browser-based drawing applications:


  • Whiteboard – A little colaborative whiteboard experiment. Uses the Dojo.gfx toolkit to do the rendering.
  • Paintr – A weekend project by Anne van Kesteren. Uses <canvas/> suppport to do the rendering.
  • Draw – Has the makings of a full-blown flowcharting tool. Many shape types and support for connectors. Currently IE only, but since it is built on RichDraw, Firefox and Opera could be supported as well.
  • XDrawGavin Doughtie’s early work that may have started the Dojo.gfx toolkit.

Not an exhaustive list, but at least some evidence that drawing in a browser is getting serious.

注:此资料比较老,是2006年的,但对初学者了解browser drawing提供了一些线索.

posted on 2009-07-23 17:34  giswei  阅读(883)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报