第 9 章 函数

    hotel.c -- 酒店管理函数

#include <stdio.h>
#include "hotel.h"

int menu(void)
    int code, status;

    printf("\n%s%s\n", STARS, STARS);
    printf("Enter the number of the desired hotel:\n");
    printf("1) Fairfield Arms       2) Hotel Olympic\n");
    printf("3) Chertworthy Plaza    4) The Stockton\n");
    printf("5) quit\n");
    printf("%s%s\n", STARS, STARS);

    while ((status = scanf("%d", &code)) != 1 || code < 1 || code > 5)
        if (1 != status) scanf("%*s");
        printf("Enter an integer from 1 to 5, please.\n");

    return code;

int getnights(void)
    int nights;

    printf("How many nights are needed? ");
    while (1 != scanf("%d", &nights))
        printf("Please enter an integer, such as 2.\n");

    return nights;

void showprice(double rate, int nights)
    double total = 0.0;
    double factor = 1.0;

    for (int n(1); n <= nights; ++n, factor *= DISCOUNT)
        total += rate * factor;
    printf("The total cost will be $%0.2f.\n", total);
    hotel.h -- 符号常量和 hotel.c 中所有函数原型

#define QUIT 5
#define HOTEL1 180.00
#define HOTEL2 225.00
#define HOTEL3 255.00
#define HOTEL4 355.00
#define DISCOUNT 0.95
#define STARS "*************************"

int menu(void);

int getnights(void);

void showprice(double rate, int nights);
    usehotel.c -- 房间费率程序

#include <stdio.h>
#include "hotel.h"    //声明函数,定义符号常量

int main()
    int nights, code;
    double hotel_rate;

    while (QUIT != (code = menu()))
        switch (code)
        case 1:
            hotel_rate = HOTEL1;
        case 2:
            hotel_rate = HOTEL2;
        case 3:
            hotel_rate = HOTEL3;
        case 4:
            hotel_rate = HOTEL4;
            hotel_rate = 0.0;

        nights = getnights();
        showprice(hotel_rate, nights);

    printf("Thank you and goodbye.\n");
    return 0;


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